Chapter 35

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I barely slept last night. I couldn't even if I tried to pretend the stuffed animals were Pansy or Matteo or someone next to me. But maybe I can see if Matteo or Pansy can spend the night.

I walked downstairs as someone picked me up. "Come on sweetheart." Uncle Barty told me. He walked into the kitchen sitting me down in a chair. "Did you just pick her up?" Lily asked him. "Maybe." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Eat Violet." Uncle Evan said placing a plate down in front of me. The food is touching.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Uncle Barty asked. "Here eat," Harry said switching my plate with his. "Nothing touched," Harry said. "She doesn't like her food touching each other! Don't worry Violet nothing touched I know you don't like your food touching." He told me as I smiled at him.

"Thank you," I mumbled.


After breakfast, I didn't eat much just a couple of bites then I was done I just went to the living room following the same way I left last night.

"Violet I've missed you!" I heard Pansy as I looked up seeing her here. I got up hugging her. "Where's my hug?" Matteo said as I pushed past her hugging him.

"You look tired, did you sleep last night?" He asked me as I ignored it. "What are you guys doing here and did the others come as well?" "No they couldn't come they got stuck dealing with something and because I missed you!" Pansy said ruffling my hair.

"You're avoiding the question," Matteo told me. "Can one of you spend the night?" "I can't love but Matteo can," Pansy said. "Can you?" I looked up at him. "Have you asked?"

I looked behind me seeing my dads and Lily. "Can Matteo please stay?" I asked them. "I don't know," Dad said. "Please! I promise I'll feed him and take good care of him!" "I'm not a dog!" Matteo said as I couldn't help but laugh.

"Please can he just for the night?" They looked at each other before papa let out a sigh. "Yes but-Thank you." He picked me up as I climbed over his shoulder hanging off of him.

"You monkey be careful," Pansy told me. "Don't drop her Matteo," Pansy warned him. "Careful Violet," Lily told me as I hung upside down on his back. "Matteo," Liam said walking past us.

"Hi, monkey." A lady said, and other people walked past. "That's aunt, Marlene, and Dorcas, then there's Aunt Alice, Mary Pandora, and Uncle Frank," Harry said.

"I have to go-Already?" "I know but I'll be back as soon as I can bye love." She said kissing my cheek before leaving.

"Don't worry she'll be back tomorrow." He told me grabbing me and sitting down with me on his lap. "Did she eat breakfast?" He asked Dad as I played with his rings. "She took a couple of bites before she said she was full," Papa told him.

"Her food didn't touch each other?" "No, it didn't," Harry said answering Matteo. "Are you still hungry?" Matteo asked me as I shook my head no. "You sure? I can make you something or do you want some fruit?" Lily asked me as I shook my head no.

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" He asked me. "You know I can't sleep alone," I told him as he let out a sigh. "So you've been up all night?" He asked me as I nodded my head grinning at him. "Yup, all night!" I told him as he shook his head standing up with me.

"Where's her room?" He asked. "What!" "You need sleep and a nap because your cranky does not go well." He told me as I rolled my eyes. "End of the hall on the left." "Where are you going with her?" Uncle Evan asked.

"To her room so she can rest." He told them. "She's fine." Uncle Evan said. "Yeah until she gets all cranky, she's fine right now but when she starts getting more tired she'll be cranky and I don't want her to be cranky. So she needs a nap." He said.

"You don't need to take her she's fine on her own-Mate I know what I'm doing here especially when it comes down to dealing with this one." He told me. "Room?" I asked him as he gave me a nod. He walked off upstairs and went down the hall opening the door.

He walked in tossing me on the bed as I bounced up a bit. He shut the door laying down beside me. "Sleep you need some sleep especially if you've been up all night." He told me. "Stay with me?" "Of course, I'd never leave you." He told me kissing my cheek as I smiled at him.


Matteo and Violetta walked upstairs to her room. "You're just going to let him!" Barty said. "Barty he knows what he's doing he's been by her side for some time now okay? Don't freak out." I told them.

"He's acting like her father like you two ain't there like your just a stranger she's living with! You got to be in charge not him!" Evan said. "He's not in charge we are but he knows her better than us Evan-He doesn't even like you guys!" Barty said.

"We are aware of that but he loves Violetta so he won't do anything to hurt her just out of spite because he doesn't like us. He loves her and will do anything to make sure nothing happens to her." James told them.

I stood up walking away ignoring Barty and going on about how Matteo shouldn't be acting like that. I walked to her room and opened the door finding her fast asleep. She just needs to adjust that's all.

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