Chapter 52

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Today is the date, and safe to say I'm nervous very nervous. Pansy helped me get ready but now I'm just waiting for Ethan to get here. Pansy picked out some light blue baggy jeans and and brownish shirt. 

Very muggle style thanks to the help of Lily. She helped me more with better style.

"Sorry I'm late." Ethan said grabbing my hand. "Come on." He said as we walked towards the black lake. It was a pretty set up.

We sat down on the blanket that was on the grass under a tree in the shade.

We ate some food not my favorite but we ate it. "Violet?" I turned and looked at him he leaned forward trying to kiss me as I pulled back. "I'm sorry i can't." I told him as he leaned back staring at me.

"It's just a kiss." He said like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I know but I don't want to kiss you I'm sorry but I don't want to hurt your feelings by pretending either." I told him as he gave me a nod. "Well thank you for not leading me on." He said as we both stood up.

"Friends?" I put my hand out as he shook it. "Friends it is, i guess I'll see you around than Violet." I walked off walking around the castle for a bit.

"Hey Violet!" Ginny said walking past me as I smiled at her. "Hi Ginny." I said as she walked past me. I turned and looked at her the smile still on my face. "Oh puppy love." I turned around seeing Sirius.

"What puppy love?" I asked him as he grinned at me. "You like Ginny Weasley." He said. "No I don't! I don't like girls, that is wrong I can't like girls, I like boys!" I told him as he put up his hands.

"It's okay if you do little Lily." He said. "I don't! I like boys!" I quickly walked off to the common room sitting down on the couch.

I can't like girls. I don't like girls.

"How did you date go?" Pansy sat down next to me asking me. "Alright, Sirius thinks I like Ginny Weasley!" I told her. "It's okay if you do." She told me as i stared at her. "I don't, I like boys!" I told her right away standing up.

"Why does everyone think I don't like boys!" I said before going up to my dorm room hiding up my blanket not wanting to be seen right now.

"I don't like girls and I don't like Ginny Weasley." I mumbled to myself clinging to the blanket tightly.

It's wrong for me to like girls.

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