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I pushed a friend of Aonung away from Kiri. „Back off!" I hissed. Aonung grabbed my hand which made me look at him.

„Another five fingered freak!" Aonung said and I wrinkled my eyebrows. What the fuck. „Back off, fishlips!" I heard Lo'ak say. I turned around and he was walking towards us.

They just continued making fun of us and grabbed Lo'aks tail. I looked at Aonung waiting for him to stop them, to stop this. But he didn't, of course he didn't.

„Leave us alone!" Kiri now yelled. Then suddenly Neteyam pushed him. „You heard what she said." Neteyam said. „Leave them alone." „oh big brother comes to-„ a friend of Aonung started but got cut of by Aonung putting his hand on his chest.

„back off. Now!" he warned them. The friend hissed but Aonung again cut him off. Aonung looked at me and I looked at him with a disappointed look. I hope he noticed that I am super disappointed.

Even if he doesn't care, I want him to know. He looked at me and smirked before putting his hands up. Neteyam grabbed my hand and we all walked away. But Lo'ak stopped.

He turned around „Lo'ak." Neteyam called him „I got this bro." Lo'ak said. He turned to Aonung. I wrinkled my eyebrows. „I know this Hand looks funny." he said wiggling his little finger.

I smiled, knowing what's gonna happen and I'm not gonna stop him. „I'm a freak, an alien." he said and Aonungs smile brightened. It'll disappear very soon. „But it can do something really cool." he said.

My smile widened „at first you ball it up real tight, like this, and then." he told them before he punched Aonung in the face 3 times which made him fall to the ground. I let out a loud laugher as they were punching each other.

I looked at Neteyam who was scratching his head with a smile as he looked at Lo'ak. „Ah my tail!" Lo'ak yelled. "Ah my ear!" The other boy yelled. I now was just laughing.

I laughed even more as Neteyam was joining them and beat the shit out of the others and Aonung. „This is so stupid!" Kiri yelled but then joined me and we laughed together.

After a few minutes of them beating each other I got inbetween them. I grabbed Lo'aks and Aonungs ear with each of my hands. „Ah!" they both yelled. The others looked at me with widened eyes.

„Thats enough!" I told them. I let go off Lo'aks ear and pushed Aonung away. „Come on." I nod at Neteyam. They were walking away. I looked at Aonung „bye, future Ole'yktan." I mumbled looking him up and down. He licked his lip and swallowed before I started walking away.

I walked to Neteyam and Lo'ak. I grabbed Lo'aks arm „are you okey?" I asked him. He nod „I'm fine." He said. They both had bloody lips and wounds.

I turned to Neteyam „And you?" I asked him. He nod, telling me he's okey. I ruffled both of their hairs as we were walking inside our hut where our dad and tuk were waiting for us.

Tuk checked up on Neteyam and Lo'ak before running Torwarts me. „Vari!" She yelled. I wrapped my arms around her as he wrapped hers around my waist. „Tuk." I said.

My dad looked at us „Go out." He said. „But-„ „Out." My father again said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Tuks hand, leading her outside. Kiri again told me that she'd go in the ocean.

This girl is obsessed with this place. I was walking along the beach, with tuk by my side. She held my hand very tight „I want to go home." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

I stopped and kneeled down in front of her. „Oh tuk." I mumbled and kissed her forehead. I rubbed her arms „I want to go home too." I told her.

I felt so bad for her. She is only 8 years old. I am a child but her! „But it is very nice here too. The Ilu's, the water." I told her, trying to talk it nice here.

꧁Forest Girl꧂ // Aonung Where stories live. Discover now