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I can't blame him, neither judge him, I wasn't any better. „Spider." I said, seeing him. Our eyes connected and I know that we both thought of the moment in the forest. „I'm sorry." I whispered at him.

I really was. I should've saved him when I could, maybe then this wouldn't be happening right now, maybe then we'd be off the boat by now. Then Arokh wouldn't have died.

My heart ached as I thought of him, I never thought he'd stop being in my life. I just thought we'd be together forever. „It's fine." he waved it off. „What happened?" Neteyam asked me, placing his hand on my shoulder as he saw my tears.

I wasn't able to talk or to respond, the only thing I could think of was Arokhs painful noises which were paralyzing my ears. For a reason, I could still hear his yell and noises in my ear.

„Arokh, he... died." Aonung answered for me and Neteyams eyes widened. „I'm sorry." He said, his voice nothing more than a whisper. I nod at him, knowing that when I'll respond, I'll break down again.

„We need to go." Lo'ak said, staring in a corner. We saw Lyle and three other Avatars, coming our way. „go, go, go!" Neteyam whisper yelled at us. „There they are!" We hear yells from them. We're screwed, it's official.

Suddenly shootings appeared behind us as we hid behind a wall. My breath was heavy and I felt so much angst inside of me until I felt a Hand around mine. I looked into Aonungs blue eyes and he plant a kiss on my hand before nodding at me.

‚Everything will be fine.'

I trust him with my life and I didn't know how he got me to do that, but he did. Neteyam grabbed the gun from Lo'ak and started shooting which left me shock.

Neteyam would do anything to save us, to protect us. His siblings are the most important thing to him and he'd do anything for us. And I love him so much, he will always be my brother, biological or not.

„Go!" He yelled at us and then started shooting. I won't go, I won't leave him alone here. Lo'ak, Spider and Aonung rushed towards the water and Aonung shot me a quick look, as he realized I wasn't running with him.

But he knew that If he will stop now, he's dead, so he jumped into the water. „Anavari, what are you doing?!" He asked me, Panic clearly hearable in his voice. „I'm not jumping without you!" I told him warningly.

He scoffed „go!" He demanded but I shook my head. „Not without you." I told him and saw frustration built up in his eyes. „Fuck." He whispered and that was the first time I've ever heard him curse.

The Avatars started shooting at us and we hid behind the wall. „I'll shoot and you'll run." he told me, pressing himself against the wall out of panic which I also did. „No, we will run." I told him and after a bit if hesitation, he nod.

„alright, ready?" He asked me and I nod at him. He started shooting at them and then threw down the gun. „Let's go!" he yelled and we both started running to the railing.

We were jumping down and after a few seconds we were in the water. I swam up to the surface, catching for air and adrenaline was running trough my body. Did this just happen?

„Vari." Aonung swam towards me on his Ilu. He sounded and looked so relieved „I thought I'd never see you again." He whispered offering me his hand. I smiled at him „Neteyam, come on." I said to him and then saw that he struggled to swim.

„I'm shot." he said, trying his best to stay over the surface. My heart stopped beating and it felt like a punch in the gut. I can't loose him too, no! „Come here." I said, grabbing him as gentle as I could.

꧁Forest Girl꧂ // Aonung Where stories live. Discover now