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I stood in front of a mirror, adoring my tattoo. It looks really cool and it actually made me believe I did something. My brothers and Aonung still were getting tattooed and I just waited for them to finish.

„I'm so proud of you, my sweet child." I heard Neytiris voice say as she turned me around my by shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around me and she pulled me in for a hug. My arms were wrapped around her torso and my face snuggled onto her as I got tears in my eyes, thinking of Arokh and her words.

No one ever told me that they're proud of me, except Aonung. „What is wrong?" She asked me, stroking the back of my head. „I lost Arokh." I quietly sobbed, my heart breaking as these words actually left my mouth.

„I Know, I'm sorry." She whispered, stroking me gently. „The pain will go away, I promise it to you." She told me, making me look at her. She wiped away my tears and gave me a warm smile which I couldn't help but return.

She loosened her grip as she looked behind me so I immediately turned around. Aonung stood there, all tattooed and he looked so good. Neytiri winked at me before she left and head back to Neteyam and Lo'ak.

My arms, without hesitation, wrapped around aonung and he didn't hesitate to wrap them back around me. „You look good." I said as I pulled away, my arms still around his neck. „Yeah but it hurts." he said and a chuckle escaped my lungs.

( A few hours later)

I sat on the sand and let out a yell, calling for Arokh. I know he is gone but my mind refuses to believe it, in my mind he's still living, he's still with me and we're still flying together.

„vari." I heard a voice say and quickly wiped away my tears, it was Aonung. I stood up, facing him and trying my best to not break down in tears. „He'd be proud of you."

Aonungs hands softly drove over my tattoo and I looked at him with a smile. „but you need to let him go." Aonung told me as his hand found it's way to my cheek, caressing it.

I lightly snuggled onto his hand which rested on my cheek. „I know." I whispered as we connected eyes. His hand slowly grabbed mine and he put his hand around my little finger how he always used to.

My stomach went crazy and I couldn't help but smile which caused him to also smile down at me. He hasn't done this for a long time „do you want to visit the spirit tree?" he asked me and my eyes lightly widened, maybe Arokh is there and my parents!

I nod in response „do you want to go alone?" he asked me but I shook my head, I want him as near as possible. „Come with me." I said, grabbing his hand in mine and he nod before calling for his Ilu.

He signed me to sit behind him so I did and wrapped my arms around his torso, just then he started swimming. His hand was placed on my thigh while his other hand held onto the Ilu, his touch made me feel so safe and home.

He concentrated on swimming while I held onto him. I love this boy with all my heart and after everything we've been trough I honestly don't think I can live without him.

„We're here." I heard his voice say as we finally arrived. That drive felt like hours and I was glad that we finally arrived. I hopped down off his Ilu but before I could dive down I felt his hand, grabbing onto my arm.

„I love you." He whispered after a bit time of us just looking into each other's eyes. „I love you too." I said back with smile on my face before I quickly placed a kiss on his his cheek before diving down.

In the Conor of my eye I saw him holding his cheek which I just kissed and I couldn't help but smile. He's honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me.

꧁Forest Girl꧂ // Aonung Where stories live. Discover now