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Ahoy Friends,
I promised I'd write more so here. Also check out my new book if you like this cuz I'm so exited to write it. Enjoy.

TW:Sh and suicide Mentions

I woke woke up sprawled out across my bed. Alone. I rolled up and out of bed not bothering to change. Rubbing my eyes I stumbled out of my room. "Hungry?". A voice asked jolting me awake. "Christ kie you scared the living daylights out of me".

Kie's POV
"Hungry?". I asked a sleepy jj making him jump. "Christ kie you scared the living daylights out of me". I giggled as a set his eggs on the table, along with an aspirin and a glass of water. He stared hungrily at the plate. "Ohmygodyesplease" he said basically sprinting to the table. I examined him. His sun-kissed blonde hair flowed freely across his head, his tanned, muscular body flexed as he shoveled food in his mouth, light freckles scattered all over his face, bright ocean blue eyes she felt she could get lost in forever. He was almost angelic. No, he is angelic.

But then she noticed something as he scarfed down his eggs, three red, angry scars going down his wrist. JJ wouldn't, he couldn't. "Holy shit". She hissed under her breath. It all made sense. The question is why wouldn't he? He was a pouge teen who's mother left, he lives in an abusive household and not to mention being a human target for the kooks. She felt herself tear up. Don't do it she thought but she couldn't help herself from letting out a loud sob. This poor, poor boy.

"Kie what is it, what's wrong?". JJ asked looking up from his plate empty plate.

"Jay..". She said slowly walking towards him.

She was staring at the rubbed off foundation when he realized.

"Did you do that to yourself jj?". The question played over and over in his head like the sexy hot tub scene from to all the boys I've loved before. Yes, I secretly love rom coms but it's in my blood. His mom always loved them. He remembers his seven year old self hiding around the corner from his bedroom leading into the living room. There his mom sat on the couch watching When Harry Met Sally. Now everyone who's seen this movie knows some of the contents are not appropriate for seven year olds. But by the time Robin Maybank finally noticed jj she was getting up off the couch and a bright blue eye was staring back at her. They would watch rom coms together all the time until the day that changed jj's life forever.

This memory brought up another. It was a couple days since his mother. JJ and Luke Maybank stood on the beach skipping rocks. "Ya know kid, those assholes that call themselves policemen are gonna question you but no good ever comes from the truth, deny deny deny". JJ had lived by those words ever since.

Thats why Seventeen year old jj sat at John Booker Routlegdes old wooden table and lied. "No, Luke, we fought in the kitchen". Complete lie. JJ stared at his feet and waited for a reply. When none ever came he looked up to see a crying Kiara. So he hugged her and said "please don't tell anyone".

Sarah's POV
I spent the morning eating the delicious breakfast kie made for us with John b on his porch. It was almost one and I was biking home. John b offered to drive me but being questioned by my entire family was not a priority of mine right now. I wonder if jj is okay. As she started hanging out with the pouges more and more jj maybank became more and more of a brother figure to her. She truly cared about him.

She pulled up to her empty house. Ward was out of town for business as of this morning, taking hung over Rafe with him. Rose was at work and Wheez was spending the summer at a camp on the mainland. She has been craving a sparkling water since she got to John b's house last night so she was into the garage fridge to look for one. Her basement was as old as her. Probably older. Sarah searched around the fridge. Nothing. But then she noticed something sticking up out of one of the racks. She pulled it out. It looked like an old Photo. It was caked with dust and dirt so she brushed it off, blowing off some too.

The photo was of a man and a woman. The woman had short platinum blonde hair, and huge smile plastered across her face. She was holding two babies, they looked around the same age, probably twins. One was a girl swaddled in a pink blanket. Her foot was sticking out. The baby had the exact same birthmark on her foot as Sarah did. This must have been of her and her mom before she left. The next baby was a boy swaddled in a blue blanket. He had bright blue eyes. It must have been Rafe. Wait no, Rafe didn't have a birth mark on his ear like that. Rafe had no birth marks. Who's baby was this then? She shifted her gaze to the man but there was a rip where his face used to be. Brushing off the dust and dirt from the bottom of the photo was writing. My babies <3. She turned the photo over revealing a note. Sarah read.

Beloved Ward,
I never meant for you to find out that way. I should never have cheated. Your rich asshole lifestyle is just not one I want to live. 
So I cheated and I've been staying with the man. This is why I haven't been in the house very often. I'm writing this to tell you that I have decided to stop my journey. The man I've been staying with is abusive but I cannot bear to go back to you. I cannot afford to move either. I don't belong here. Don't worry you won't have to deal with police because I'll be doing it in the other man's house. One last thing before I go. I got pregnant with the other man and decided to keep the baby boy who I gave birth to. He is the one in the picture. It was taken along time ago while they were both still babies. The girl is our daughter Sarah. You will keep her while the other man will keep the boy, Jesse James. Please never tell Sarah. Make up whatever you can.

Yours truly, Robin

A tear streamed down her face. She is determined to figure out her brother. Half brother? But for now, what the fuck.

Ahoy Friends,
I hope I redeemed myself with this chapter.
Also she was never really around that's why Sarah and Rafe don't remember her. No one ever told them either. If you have any questions comment them and I'll answer.
See you next chapter. Much love.

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