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Sarah's POV
As you can probably guess, I didn't get much sleep that night but for some odd reason I felt more energized than ever. I got dressed not forgetting to put the photo in my back pocket. Racing down the stairs I ran face first into someone's rock solid chest. "Woah woah woah". A loud grumbly voice slurred. Rafe. What was he doing back so early.

"Aren't you supposed to be on the business trip with dad?"

Rafe inhaled letting out a mucus filled exhale. I recoiled. "Nah, we fought so I booked it". He gave me a dirty look before asking "So where are you going anyways".

"None of your business". I said walking past him making a break for the door. "Don't think i don't know Sarah, your going to slum it and waste your future away with those dirty pouges".

"They are not dirty, they are more of a family then you have or ever will be, jj might smoke a j a little more often than is probably healthy for a Seventeen year old but I've never gone so far I killed someone or worse!". That's what I wanted to say. But was it kind of cringy? Yes. But I am really just so God damn tired of this. So I ran out the door and did not stop until I got to Kie's.

Peeling myself off of the spare bedroom mattress was the last thing I wanted to do on a Monday morning at 6. But with a new week came another many, many shifts. I would really honestly rather not go. I didn't have anything stopping me but the growl in my stomach and the need for gas.

I changed into my inform and grabbed my backpack. I was gonna need it. After my shift at the country club I had to go mow Mrs Mahoney's kook ass front lawn. I also promised to fix the garden knome one of her 13 cats broke. After that I had roll a j and find some extra beer. Me, Kie, Jb, Pope, and Sarah were having a party just the 5 of us. We were all gonna crash at jb's. The fact I've been dreading the most is that my backpack supply is getting low and I gotta go get more changes of clothes. I only had one packed. But jj why are you dreading that? I have to drag my stupid ass all the way back home.

I threw on my sweater and rode my motorcycle halfway across the world to the country club. "Good mornin' Joslynne". I say giving the human equivalent to a hornet I have to call my boss a half smile and a little wave. "JJ good I was hoping you'd be on time for once". Welp, that imma brought my mood lower than I thought was possible. I knew it was gonna be a longgg day if that's how I got greeted. "Were short staff by alot today so you'll need to be a trooper and take over kitchen duty by yourself today". She said giving me a pat on the back sending me off into the firey pit of hell they call kitchen duty.

Rafe's POV
What a whore. I'm ashamed I share a blood line with that bitch. If people saw how she really is they would agree. Anyways, I'm bored out of my fucking mind so I did what I always do when I have nothing to do. I hit up Topper and Kelce because I knew for a fact that jj Maybank had a shift at the country club today.

Turns out Kelce got his ass grounded because his parents caught him and some girl getting it on last night in their basement.
He couldn't come. Since when does he follow rules. Topper's already there so all I had to do was make my jolly ass over there and boom.

As soon as I got in the door I got bombarded with Topper and his three-thousand questions. I told him the plan.

Basically, there's as back entrance to the kitchen. JJ is the only one on kitchen duty as I heard from the gossiping old ladies as I walked in. Me and Topper will sneak in through the back where we will then sprinkle some of the leftover powder from lines last night onto the meat behind his back. Therfore he will get into alot of trouble for making the elderly high.

"Sound good top?". He nodded nervously. As soon as we reached the back entrance i started getting everything ready. "Rafe, should we really be doing this?". I look back and glare at him. "Like I know stuff we do is bad but, this is like bad bad man like bad bad". Everything was ready except him. Why do I have such stupid friends. "Topper will you stop being such a fucking moron, if you wanna leave be by fucking guest". I whisper-yelled gesturing towards the door. "Fine maybe I will". Pussy

I crouch and start crawling along the cold brick floor being as quiet as humanly possible. There stands jj, grumbling angrily to himself. Cmon buddy just cut the meat and set it back here. He starts chopping it aggressively. Just as im rolling my eyes he let's out a sharp inhale. "Shit..". He barks. I peek through the gap in the counter. He cut himself pretty badly. It's bleeding alot, like alot alot. Rushing to the sink he runs hand under water, scrubing everything hard. "Uh oh". He whispers. "I'm alone it doesn't matter, Joslynne's gonna kick my ass if I don't get this done, if I don't get this done no dinner for me which means so beer for luke which means hello fist". JJ rambles.

Fist? Who's ever fist he means he deserves it. JJ walks away from the sink revealing rubbed off foundation. I cover my mouth with my hands trying not to laugh. He wears makeup. On his wrists? I take another glance. There all the way up and down covering jj's arms is angry red scars. Most of them seem to be healed but alot of them look fresh. What the actual fuck? I should have stayed with Topper. Lost in all my thought I suddenly lost all balance falling backwards. I caught myself luckily not managing to make a noise but I guess I jinxed myself because I forgot that there were metal pans behind me. I left out a loud exhale and letting my head fall back with relief, smashing into the pans knocking all of them down making a long clang. JJ'S head whips around, eyes meeting directly with mine.

Ahoy Friends,
Filler Chapter before some craziness. It's been heavy on jj but you did click on a whump also dw things will get better for him. I was gonna write more but I'm tired and I wanna start writing a little bit of the first chapter of riptides. You should check it out if you like friends to lovers, drama, and music because its great and pretty similar to this. Ok sorry im rambling. Hope you enjoyed! Much love❤

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