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John B's POV
I was currently setting up the Chateau for the greatest night of a pouges life. I was setting up The Cats-Ass for splash fights and shotgunning.

There was gonna be drinks and food and weed provided by jj since he was a god at rolling. Us pouges never opened up so thats why my have the 'spill your guts' part of the night which also comes with childish but awesome games like spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven, truth or dare, and just truths.

Just then I heard a motorcycle come crashing in. JJ. "Sorry about your garbage can man, it was shit anyways". JJ said as he came strutting towards me. "Alrighty, I got goods". We walked over to my picnic table. JJ set his things on the table. Beer, fireball, vodka, margarita mix, olives, weed, and a huge ball of string lights. A very jj bag. "Why the fuck do you have some random ass olives". JJ ignored me and began untying the ball of lights.

JJ and I were stringing the lights on when we heard the voice of the beautiful Sarah Cameron. "JJ I can't believe you actually got my olives and margarita mix thank you!". JJ leaned back and smiled and Sarah and Kie but slipped off of his latter. I was still tangled in the string lights meaning when jj fell he took me to the floor with him. Sarah and Kie rushed over to me laying on the floor after their laughing subsided. "John B oh my god".

"Are you ok".

"Guys I think jj might be dead". Pope said striding towards him. We all looked at jj. Flat on his back, out cold, lights around his neck. "Holy shit jj!". I yelped. "Pope get me out of these lights!". The girls rushed over to jj and untangled the lights off his neck. Pope and I followed. His eyes slowly drifted open. All of us were so worried about him but the fucker started hysterically laughing. "J that is not funny you could have died!". Kie scolded him. "Nah I'm seriously fine guys I get knocked out alot next time just splash some water on me or something". He sat up.

Sarah's POV
We spent the first half of the night drinking and hanging out in the hot-tub. JJ wasn't wasted which was a surprise. I had a beer and me and kie made margaritas. Jb and Pope had fireball and alot of beer deeming them the most drunk. JJ only had a shot of fireball and a beer which blew everyone's mind. He said he is still hungover but I called bullshit silently.

It was now onto the game part of the night. "JJ truth or dare?". Pope asked. "Dare". Pope laughed. "Ok so I've always been curious on what you keep in your bag, so show us that".  JJ scoffed before getting up for his bag.

"Ok, once in a lifetime chance here ladies and gentlemen pay attention". JJ pulls out and change of clothes and sets it on the picnic table. The clothes follow up with a lighter, keys to his house and his motorcycle, money, a knife, a box of crackers, salad dressing, a history test, and a sketchbook. "J do you draw?". Kie asks. He blushes. "Sometimes shut up". And he turns back to the bag. "Ooo im not showing you guys that sorry no way". John B sprouts up and tackles him to the ground. "BOOOO SHOW US". JJ throws John b off of his likes a piece of paper. "Fine fine i hate you". He says giving John b a dirty look. "Love you too buddy". Now what jj pulls out next is not what anyone would ever expect jj maybank to pull out of his backpack. Everyone to ever know him would guess it would be a vibrator, or a condom, or weed or something like that. But no, it was a well loved copy of Romeo and Juliet. The dark blush returned to his cheeks once again.

We spent the rest of truth or dare and truth learning way more about everyone's lives and deep dark secrets. I learned that jj's mom killed herself right in front of him and that he's been tased by shoupe. I learned that John b has a fear of going bald and that kie almost slit her wrists when she had her kook year. I also learnt that Pope's old celebrity crush was Katy Perry. "Alrighty guyss, let's play 7 minutes in heavennn". John B slurred. I would try to get him to bed but he would refuse so it was no use. "John B". Kie groaned. "We're not 12 we're almost 18". Now, kie did not get even close to getting her way. Drunk John b is hard to say no to.

JJ set a beer bottle down in the middle of the circle. "Ok who goes first". I was about to raise my hand when Pope leaned forward and spun the bottle, landing on jj. "Oh yeah popey, let's go I don't bite". JJ sprung up and pulled Pope with him to the bathroom because John B's closet is too full.

7 minutes later they were back. "Soooo". Kie cooed. "He took a shit, and only on our way out did he kiss me on the cheek". Everyone laughed.

Fast forward a couple rounds. Kie landed on Sarah, Sarah landed on John b, John b landed on jj, jj then switched the game to spin the bottle and he would take his turn later.

"Ok ok I call going first". JJ yelled. He spun the bottle and it landed on Pope. Everyone ooo-ed and ah-ed and laughed. "Heavy on jj and Pope tonight". I said making them laugh again. JJ walked over to Pope, grabbed the sides of his face and gave Pope a kiss. Pope sat there Flabbergasted. Pope then went to spin and landed on me. He kissed me on the cheek. John b appreciated that. I spun and landed on Kie. We laughed and then I had the best kiss of the night. Shh don't tell John b. "Ok my turn". Kie spun the bottle. A deep crimson blush creeped it's way onto her face when she realized it landed on jj. I definitely be talking to her about that later. JJ smirked his signature smirk at kie. He walked over to  her and she stood up and put his hands on the side of her face. "You ok kie?". He asked. She nodded and he kissed her. Their kiss lasting just a bit longer than the other ones.

We played a couple more rounds and then jj said he would take his turn of 7 minutes in heaven. He spun the bottle.

Kie's POV
JJ closed and locked the door to the bathroom. He was wearing his signature beer muscle tank and shorts. JJ turned to look at me and smiled. I smiled back. Ever since I spent the night with jj something had shifted in our friendship. When we kissed both of us felt something and we both knew it. I just needed things to move a little faster, it was a perfect opportunity. "You're a good kisser". I blurt. Nice Kiara real smooth. Shit. "Thanks". What he said next really caught me off guard. "You are too, your lips are really soft i think that helps a bit, most of the girls I kiss have nastyyy lips dude". Was I really sitting on the toilet in of one of my best friends house talking about kissing with my other bestfriend. "Thanks". It came out as a whisper. We held eye contact for awhile. I knew jj wouldn't make a move. We had been bestfriends for so long. I think he might be scared, which is crazy to even be thinking about. Scared is one of the last words that comes to mind when describing jj. Before I could even think about what I was about to do I found myself jolting up from the toilet and smashing my lips against his. He kissed back almost immediately. It quickly turned into a steamy makeout session before you could scream murderer. JJ didn't taste like weed and cheap booze like I would expect him to. He tasted like citrus with a hint of mint, which is now my new favorite taste.

My hands were in his hair. His hands rested gently on my sides. Suddenly he was pinning me against the wall and deepening the kiss. This felt right. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt something. But of course, all good things come to an end. JJ'S timer for 7 minutes went off so loud I winced and hit my head on the wall. JJ scrambled around the turn it off.

We cleaned ourselves up and went out into the living room where everyone was getting ready to crash. We had agreed not to tell the others yet so I just had to act normal. Pope sat on the couch cradling his knees. "Seriously Pope i need you to move so I can set up the bed". Sarah yanked on the couch cushions. "Aww he looks so sad and tired". JJ walked up to Pope and pat him on the shoulder. "Don't worry Popey our bromance is forever". He said dragging him off the couch. Sarah mouthed thank you at him.

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