day 2 A flustered day for a face

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Shadows POV

I wake up in the bathroom this caught me by surprise looking around the whitish, beige-ish peach tiles. I see a pink figure before I can adjust my eyes so everything wouldn't look so blurry I feel burning on one of my wounds."Err" I cringed out loud as a tightly squeeze my eyes, at the moment I'm not at my best on any other day I wouldn't feel so weak. My insides are the equivalent to a normal person at the moment well a normal person with a pretty good pain tolerance, but nothing compared to what I used to have. "Oh sorry I thought you were asleep," says....Amy? Yes, that's Amy. I was in the bathroom tub and she was midway done with changing my wraps on my stomach her green eyes shine in the light emerald with slight hints of turquoise and darker green, 

she finishes and picks me up, and puts me on the couch, although I'm still not used to it I keep my composure so it didn't ruin my process on my injuries which was minimal but Amy insisted, we eat breakfast that she had already cooked just before she changed my wraps, as Amy was about to drink her orange tea RING RING RING RIN-she picks up her phone and excepts the phone call, hello, who is this? Amy said nonchalantly. 

Hey, it's tails it turns out sonic is fine. He just needs a few more days in the hospital and he'll be ok in no time precisely three days if I am correct and I'm pretty sure I am, tails had gotten a bit more confidence in himself, rather than his younger and more, skittish and stuttering past self, of course, Amy was the one to thank for that. She always boosted his ego and told him how great he was, and that he should be more confident, which tails eventually did, but not to a sonic-level ego nowhere near that whole mess it was more like self-confidence, and a good amount of it (but sometimes and either awkward situations he did revert to his old ways). " well that's good. Was it just a concussion or something"

No, he got pretty beat up with bruises on his stomach, but he went to the hospital so they treated it very fast , he said in a matter of fact, a way that made Amy feel a little guilty. Her eyes dropped a bed from knowing that she couldn't help shadow as well as s another person could do in a lesser amount of days, 

" is that all you wanted to tell me," Amy said in kind of a rushing town because she wanted to get back to shadow and see if he was doing okay.

" oh, well, I thought you might want to visit him-"

She put the phone on speaker and held it to her ear.

Tales was cut off by Amy " sorry tails, but I can't really do that I'm taking care of shadow if you want, you can tell sonic that I hope he feels better but that's really all I can do for him right now" she said in even more of a hurry, she didn't know why she was so eager to have her attention, fully on shadow again, but for some reason she did.

" OK OK just calm down geez sounds like that one time that you were taking care of sonic.....ohhhhhhh I forgot you have a massive crush on shadow" tales said with an innocent and cheerful tone,

Amy's face turns beet red as she stammers forward to come out of her mouth

W-what don't say that out loud I might not be on speaker b-but but UGHHH if her face wasn't red enough it almost turned Crimson, she used her freehand to cover her face,

" Sorry but I'm not wrong You've had a crush on him since you were 14 right... wait so you you don't have a crush on sonic anymore so that means this year officially you've been crushing on shadow for longer wow like eight years Amy and you still haven't confessed I mean at least with sonic he was open about it, honestly, I've only seen you give small hints to shadow" 

with more of tails ramblings she kind of stuck with the one about her liking shadow for more time sure she still kind of had that lingering feeling that she was supposed to love sonic for a long time, but she gradually drifted away and she knew that she had at least a small crush on shadow, it was only on her 16th birthday, that she finally realized that she was completely over sonic and practically had a huge crush on shadow instead of a normal one, but she wasn't about to make the same mistake.

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