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*The night of the manga chapter 296; Extremely Hell.*

*11:13 PM*



"Uravity," God, even my voice sounded beat up. "Hero student. U.A. High, class 1-A."

The desk clerk typed my name in before turning to look at Tsu. "Name?"

"Froppy. Hero student, U.A. High, class 1-A." She leaned against the counter exhausted.

"Alright, you're checked in." The young man said, "Food and drinks are in the break room down the hall. If you want to shower before your group rep gets here, there's extra clothes provided by the station in the locker rooms."

"Thank you." I told him.

Tsu and I turned to walk down the hall to rest, wobbling with exhaustion. There was so much chaos today... my feet hurt so bad... my fingers are throbbing from using my quirk so much... I threw up four times throughout the day... and to top if off, I'm covered in blood, sweat, and urine.

Tsu looks just as bad. She stopped talking a few hours ago when her tongue was overworked. I was surprised she spoke to the desk guy.

We turned into the station's break room, and I immediately grabbed two bottles of water to chug. I was so parched and hungry from working all day. The first gulps of water were instant relief for my throat, stinging at first but easily ignored for the rehydration. God, it tasted so good, I teared up.

Tsu wasn't drinking as fast as me, but she had the same response.

The table of food was picked clean besides a few bags of chips and leftover bites of sandwiches.


Fuck it.

I grabbed two half eaten sandwiches and devoured one as I sat down in a chair. Tsu sat beside me silently, her eyes closed as tears streamed down her face.

Eww, I just realized I hadn't washed my hands... and I'm eating.

I sighed, to exhausted to stand back up.

Everything hurts.


"HUH? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Todoroki yelled...

"I FORGOT SOMETHING!!" That's what Deku said, "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!!"


Lier. Where the hell was he?? And Bakugo, and Todoroki, and Ida?? Where did they go??

God, I prayed they were all okay...

Tsu and I got separated from the group while rescuing people. I'm sure others got separated too. Hell, we weren't even supposed to report to this station, but it was the closest one to us. Our radios lost communication a few hours ago, and we weren't sure why.

"Ochako," Tsu whimpered, "I want to bathe."

I nodded and she stood up on her own to hobble to the showers.

I'm going to finish eating first.



I looked up to see someone with a camera at the doorway just in time for them to take a second photo of me. I grimaced, "What are you doing?"

"How did you get in here?!" A voice from the hall shouted and the photographer bolted, a large man chasing them from the building.


The shower wasn't as warm as we hoped, so we finished quickly. The clothes the station provided was sets of sweatsuits, so thankfully they were comfortable. There wasn't any undergarments so Tsu and I both put t-shirts on under our sweatshirts and just had to deal with going commando until we got back to the dorms.

Once we put our nasty hero suits in bags, we headed back to the breakroom to get more food. Of course, there was nothing left, and Tsu found the nearest bench to collapse on. She was snoring in seconds.

Sleep sounded amazing, but my mind was too wound up for that right now. I needed to know about the rest of the class.

I need chocolate.

"Can I borrow $2 for a candy bar?" I gestured toward the vending machine. "I don't have any money on me."

The man at the counter smiled weakly and nodded. He handed me $5 and said, "Use it all."

"But—I only—"

"You're kids." He stated. "And I know that breakroom hasn't been refilled for the heroes' meals."

I had to wipe my tears away, "Thank you!"

"Keep saving people." He smiled.

I nodded and headed toward the vending machine.

I punched in the numbers and the machine acted.

"Uraraka," A tired voice—Ida's voice!

I spun around to see my close friend and class rep waving as he walked toward me.

"Ida!" I cried and jumped in his arms. He made a weak noise as I hugged him so I quickly jumped back. "Sorry, are you hurt?"

"No, just tired," he said. He was still in his hero suit, but the armor was removed from the upper half of his body, carrying it and his helmet at his side.

I spilled. "What happened?? Where did you guys go?? Is everyone okay?? You guys just ran off!!"

"Are you alone?" He asked.

"No, Tsu's in the next room asleep." I said, "Did you report in? Are your coms working? Ours messed up hours ago."

"I'm here to retrieve you two and safely bring you back to campus."

"What? I thought—"

"Everyone's busy right now." His eyes turned sad, and he looked off to the side. "As class representative, it's my responsibility to gather up class 1-A."

He was... hurt. Not physically... He never looked like this, even when his brother was...

"Ida," I said, making him look at me. "What happened?"

He swallowed.

"Where are the guys?" I ordered him to tell me.

"They're in critical condition."

"Who?? Deku? Bakugo? Todoroki?" I stepped closer to him, "Who??"

"All of them."  

Amelioration | A Bakugo & Uraraka Story Pt6Where stories live. Discover now