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*The next day*


With all the days of our class scouting to find Deku, this one was the most important to me. Because after this day, I would lose another person in my life. So when we were all searching hour after hour, reviewing all the possible plans we had to use to bring Deku home, I kept a close eye on Bakugo.

He had given me a solid glance before the day started but hasn't unfocused from the mission since. His determination was incredible from a different perspective, but I was the only one who knew the real meaning of his purpose.

The dark, grey sky was growing my anxiety, and soon the pouring rain kept it high, like a bad omen.

But I couldn't give up.

I would never.

It didn't matter if sleep was my enemy last night, or that we all had been out here for over 13 hours.

I was not giving up today.

"We should call it for today." Ida said as we all met on top of a building.

Before anyone could respond, Bakugo was already walking to the ledge. He blasted off the building, continuing his search.

"Bakugo!" Ida called but was ignored.

I followed right away, and more followed me.

We kept going, building after building, sound after sound. The storm wasn't helping at all, but something about the rain made us feel like we were close.

Close to Deku... or close to the end.

"We're not stopping yet?" Mineta asked through our communicators.

I replied, chasing after Bakugo. "Not yet! We're moving forward!"

"Don't spread out too much!" Momo ordered. "The rain is getting thick!"

"Keep an eye on each other!" I added, my focus on Bakugo's back. "If one of us gets in any trouble, be there to back them up! We're not just doing this for Deku!"

Agreements and cheers echoed through our handheld communicators.

Bakugo looked unphased by my words, but I hoped he heard them.

With a large blast that mixed with thunder, Bakugo was flying towards a crowded area. I looked ahead to see a statue of All Might and a sworm of people.

Still in the sky, Bakugo shot downward at the ground, hitting a target—

"I found him guys." Bakugo said.

My heart jumped with adrenaline!

*Read along the last of the manga chapter 319: Friends*

Our class landed in the open city square, Momo and Todoroki instantly capturing the villain causing trouble. As the people ran away, I saw him...

Deku... Midoriya...

My heart ached looking at him like this. It had been so long, so rough. He looked worse than any of us could have imagined.

"Everyone..." His voice was exhausted. "Why..."

"Because we're worried about you!" I said, stepping forward.

"I'm okay." He started to slowly stand, "That's why you shouldn't worry about me. Stay back!!"

"That's good to hear!!" Bakugo spat, sarcastically applauding Deku as he shouted, "As expected of his majesty, the successor of One for All!! So after all this, can you still keep smiling?!"

Deku slumped as he stood to his feet. "To be able to smile... for people to live in peace... I need to keep moving forward." His quirk activated with bright blue energetic sparks. "All of you... Get out of my way!!"


Ida stepped up next to us, "We know you won't change your mind. Let's go guys!"

I nodded, "Yeah!"

*Continue with the manga chapters 320-322*

*Bakugo's speech*

After fighting, we all listened to Bakugo's words.

Everything he said hit me so deep...

"Izuku," He said, looking at his old friend in the eyes. "I'm sorry for everything I've done up until now."

We were all silent, the sound of the rain magnifying.

"The path you took as a successor of OFA," Bakugo continued, "Is exactly what All Might did. Your choices weren't misguided at all. But as of now you can barely stand on your own. Your ideals alone can only take you so far. If you ever encounter a road bump, you can always count on us for help. To surpass All Might, your ideal hero, we would all have to protect U.A. and the civilians in there together. It's the only way."

Deku chocked on his words, "'You guys can't keep up.' I'm sorry for saying such a terrible thing."

He stepped forward, collapsing into Bakugo's arms. "I know."

Our classmates slowly walked over to them, Bakugo not hesitating to lift Deku onto his shoulder.

Seeing them now...

Deku had grown to become someone so different than the first day of school. The way he trained, the people who inspired him, the footsteps he followed... Bakugo had grown in the complete opposite direction, taking characteristics from the people who followed him.

And now that I see them together, the cold rain hitting their bodies as the past bully now held up his friend. From being so different from each other before, in this moment, they were as close as brothers. And they would fight like brothers from now on, but they would defend each other like family.

"We've cleared the first hurdle," Momo sighed next to me, "For now. It will only get more difficult from now on."

I looked back at the two boys. "Yeah."

We all started heading back to campus, back again refusing to let anyone else carry Deku. I knew Bakugo needed this moment, his own personal mission to carry him back, but we still had 20 blocks to go.

Pass halfway point where I could see he was struggling, I put a hand on his shoulder. "Let me take him."

He looked at me, hesitating for a moment. But then he pushed Deku towards me and I activated my quirk on him. Stepping ahead, Bakugo rolled out his shoulders and continued walking. I made it one block before Shoji offered to take over.

I let him, feeling just as exhausted as Deku looked.

*Continue manga chapter 322: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, as they return to campus*

Amelioration | A Bakugo & Uraraka Story Pt6Where stories live. Discover now