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"MINA!" I banged on her door. I could hear voices and wrestling on the other side.

With my patience completely worn out, I barged in the room, slamming the door behind me. Mina yelped as I entered, her hands fondling around herself to cover her bare chest. Kirishima, who a second ago was on top of her, roll to the side. They were both topless on her bed, blushing and lips swollen from what they had just been doing.

Too bad I didn't give a flying fuck about interrupting them.

"Mina," I said, "We need to talk."

"Uh, sure, but," she glanced at Kiri, "can we do this later?"

"No." I crossed my arms. Kirishima nodded and stood up to leave, but I pointed at him. "No, no, you can sit back down."

His eyes were wide, not used to seeing me like this. "Okay..."

Mina sat up more, using what looked like a shirt to cover her chest. "So, what's up, babe?"

I could feel my face heat while I prepared myself to say my words out loud. "Bakugo just told me something. Something I'm sure was a secret he was keeping from me."

Both my friends glanced at each other before back to me.

"Yeah, it sounded pretty crazy at first, like a joke!" I said, "Because, I would have remembered if Bakugo and I had KISSED before!"

They jumped, Mina trying to play it off, "Oh, wow!"

"Surprising??" I glared at her, "Do you know what else is surprising? Especially to me? Is that he told me that you knew!"

Both their faces went pale.

"OH MY GOD! It's true?!" I gasped, pointing at Kiri, "And you knew?!"

He threw his hands up in defense, "I-I..."

"What the fuck guys?!" I felt hurt now, "What is he talking about??"

Mina sat up more. "It's nothing bad! I swear!"

I waited for her to continue.

She said, "It was during the party I threw, remember? We were all drinking?"

"Oh my god!" The memories of the next day seemed so obvious now! "That's why all of you were acting so weird after?! Bakugo and I kissed?!"

"Like I said, it was nothing bad!" She reassured me, "both of you guys were definitely into it!"

I shook my head in disbelief that I couldn't remember.

"You were!" Kirishima confirmed, "No dare, no bet, no prank, no harm!"

My eyes shifted back and forth between them, "Then why did you guys keep this from me?"

They looked at each other before Mina spoke, "Because of our talk the day after. You said you weren't ready for stuff like that, remember?"

My stomach dropped again.

I did say that!

I covered my face, loathing my past self.

"It's okay!" Mina stood and patted my shoulder. "Nothing bad happened after, so it wasn't even that big of a deal!"

I gave her an 'are you kidding me' look. "But it was!"

"Oh..." Kirishima sighed.

We looked at him, asking in unison. "What?"

He inhaled, trying to figure out the best words to use. "Um, the morning after the party..."

"Spit it out, stupid hair!" I yelled, my eyes feeling wet again.

"Bakugo seemed... conflicted when I told him you didn't remember the kiss." He said softly, trying not to piss me off.

"Conflicted how?" I asked.

"At first he thought you would be mad, like he was taking advantage of you since you were drunk." He explained.

That made sense, making my own thoughts conflict now. I started pacing around the room to calm myself down and to hopefully think straight.

He continued, "But then he seemed disappointed."

I stopped to look at him. "Disappointed?"

He sighed. "Don't tell him I told you, but he likes you."

My heart felt like it was on fire...

"A lot."

Tears spilled over my face as the memories of Bakugo's expressions flashed in my mind.


From the first time he smiled at me to now. How he looked at me when we were floating above the city at night... Why he enjoyed making me fluster all the time... when he told me I was important... When he comforted me in my room... Why he looked hurt when I told him I didn't remember the party, and to my unknown knowledge, our kiss... The real reason he forcefully replaced Deku's roll in catching me in the waterfall of the sim dream... The deeper meaning of everything in the elevator... Oh my god, the pickup line... How he acted when I was looking through his valentines—

And we talked about out first kisses...

... "Awwww! Bakugo! Was your first kiss with someone special??"

... "Yeah."

My heart started to twist, making more tears fall.


"He likes you a lot." Kiri said again.

My lips trembled as I choked on my words, "I know."

"Ochako, are you okay?" Mina asked, concerned.

"I got to go." I told them, wiping my tears away.

They didn't try to stop me as I left the room. 

Amelioration | A Bakugo & Uraraka Story Pt6Where stories live. Discover now