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*1:25 PM*


I was hoping that training would be a great stress relief, especially as a class. And it kind of was. Class 1-B was outside with us, separated in a different group, but we were all on the track. Getting my heart rate up, breaking a sweat, feeling the wind gusting through my hair... it was satisfying to feel free in the moment. But there was something that started itching at my ease.

Every once and a while, I felt eyes on me. And when I looked into the direction I would feel it coming from, I would see Bakugo. Sometimes he would already be starring, while other times he would catch me starring first. Each time our gazes locked, a wave of anxiety would crawl over my skin.

Is he mad at me?

I could feel his stare—his glare. And sometimes, his face looked like he was warning me. Or studying me, like he was trying to figure out if my blood was toxic.

What's his problem?

After an hour, it was starting to piss me off. I was enjoying my workout and now I just feel judged from afar. What the heck?!

Well, I can judge him back! That weirdo!

The next time I looked at him, we were all doing pushups. His chin was up as he looked out, and not down like I usually did. I glared at him from my spot in our herded class, sending him all my sass with my mind.

Yeah, look at me you jerk. I'm glaring at you now!

He looked.


I furrowed my brows as I made a 'looking at me?' face.

His jaw tightened as he sent me a death glare back.

My stomach jumped with nerves, but I wouldn't let it change my mind about the battle I just started. I scrunched my nose as I glared, trying to give a 'what's your problem?' face.

Surprisingly, his glare softened a bit and he just normal glared.

Wow... normal glared? Only Bakugo could have different types of glares on the regular.

But now he looked like he was studying me with a bit of cautionary confusion in his eyes.

What the heck is he looking for??

My gaze studied him as I looked for an answer, dragging my focus over his body. He was planked like a board as he performed his pushups, flawlessly. Nothing looked out of the ordinary to—


I felt my body lag in my own pushups as my focus locked on the stunning sight of his arms working. His gym uniform had become tight on his shoulders and arms throughout the year, and now it was damp enough to display his glorious muscles underneath. Each dip was like watching—like seeing—how do you even put that scene into words?? His physique was so mesmerizing in that moment, each detailed muscle working so easily...

My heart was thumping against my chest.

Oh, fuck, I'm starring!!

I looked at his face in realization, only to see a more confused expression.

He glanced at his shoulder, then back at me in an instant, raising an eyebrow.


I looked away immediately, turning my head to the other side to hide my burning cheeks. Oh my god that was embarrassing! I sped up in my pushups to burn away the humiliating fact that I just bombed a stare down that I started. Ugh... why on earth did I even do that??

Amelioration | A Bakugo & Uraraka Story Pt6Where stories live. Discover now