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*The start of the manga chapter 327: Rest*


"The water is 42* C!!" Kaminari screamed, "RUN!!"

I watched from the doorway of the dorms to see the guys carry Deku like a log to the showers. Which was definitely needed, he smelled like a roadkill. The girls and I laughed as we could hear the chaotic yells from the bathroom of striping Deku down.

"I'm going to shower as well," Momo said, leading the other nodding girls to the showers.

I stood in the common area, so tired... could I even make it to the washroom? A warm bath sounded incredible, but I might pass out in the bath and drown at this point.

I groaned, taking a few steps in the direction, but gave up half way there.

"That was one hell of a speech, cheeks." Bakugo said behind me, walking up to stand by my side. I thought I was the last one left in the common area. "Deku was on his knees bawling like a baby."

I said, "He was always such a crier." We took a few more steps toward the washrooms, when I added, "Yours was pretty great too, you know. I know Deku really appreciates the fact that you don't hate him."

"He's still annoying." He said, slipping off his gauntlets.

I stopped in place, and he noticed, turning around and waiting for me. I shook my head, "I can barely keep my eyes open... I think I'm just going to go to bed. I can shower tomorrow."

Before I turned away, he said, "Wait. I need to say something."

A soft pudding feeling filled my chest. "Okay."

He stepped close and spoke quietly, "Last night, I felt like shit when you left. I didn't mean to piss you off."

I looked down, remembering the hurtful moment, but sympathy helped me look back up at him.

"I didn't want it to feel like I was disagreeing with you, or wanting to argue with you, I just... needed to get this done." He gestured toward the showers, indicating Deku. "Look, I don't want you to be mad at me, okay? I hate it."

"I don't like being mad at you either. It's just that, last night, kind of seemed like you were... rejecting me." I hugged my elbows.

"I wasn't." He stepped closer, brushing his hand on my arm. He looked at that hand before pulling it back and running it through his hair. "Hell, you were originally one of the reasons why I was going to go."


"You hadn't smiled since..." He looked away, upset. "You always seem to smile when that damn nerd is around."

Oh... "You think I like Deku."

He glanced at me, "Don't you?"

I looked away this time, embarrassed. I'm pretty sure I was red in the face. "I used to. I still care about him, just like everyone else does."

His face calmed as the dark shade from his eyes seemed to lighten. "That all?"

"Pretty much."

He nodded, shrugging, "You were usually hanging out with him, so I assumed."

"Makes sense," I nodded, "Everyone else assumed too."

He scowled at the idea, turning his annoyance toward our classmate. "We could hang out more. So people stop assuming stupid shit like that."

That made me smile. "Not a bad idea. But not for the assumptions of other people."

He looked at me and I stepped closer to him, tugging at the fabric of his shirt that covered his abs. "Let's hang out because we want to, not because we feel like we have to. Yeah?"

A slow grin grew on his face, making my chest warm. He breathed, "Yeah."


We both looked in that direction, making a face. I laughed as Bakugo shook his head at them. I sighed, feeling my exhaustion hit me again. I patted Bakugo's chest, "Go wash up. I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow."

"Hey." His hand cupped my cheek suddenly, pulling me into a kiss. Those warm explosive tingles hit me again, and I couldn't help but press my body against him as I kissed him back. "See you tomorrow. Or tonight?"

I playfully pushed him away, "Go!"

"I cAn ShOwEr ToMoRrOw." He teased.

"No way! You stink!" I pointed to the washroom, "Go!"

He smiled at me, his eyes checking me out as I took steps backward.

I gave him one more blushing smile as I wished, "Goodnight."


She dragged her feet as she walked away, my eyes glued to her ass.

Now this is what I wanted.

I couldn't get the stupid grin off my face without rubbing at the skin. I wasn't about to walk in the showers looking like a twitterpated idiot.

I never thought being a twitterpated idiot could feel so good. I couldn't wait to do more.

The other guys were chucking Deku in the soak bath head first when I walked in. Glad I saw that.

Time to—

Streaks of nasty Deku muck was fucking everywhere!


--- END ---

This concludes the story of Amelioration, but not of Bakugo and Uraraka! My stories will sequel each other, so stay tuned to see what happens next!

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