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*The Next Day*

*The time frame before the meeting with Endeavor in the manga chapter 319: Friends*


God, I felt like shit. Not ill, but completely dragged down by the fact that I made Bakugo so upset. This feeling was tearing me up inside, like it was draining my energy away. I had to clear this up.

As our class gathered in gym gamma for morning training, I sneaked over to Bakugo as he was off to the side stretching his shoulders.

"Hey," I said quietly, just for him. "Can we talk?"

He was already walking away before I finished my question.

Of course he was still mad at me. He didn't even look at me when I came over or spoke. How am I going to talk to him if he is going to avoid me?

I sighed and looked around, getting an idea when I saw Tiger about to round everyone up. He could help! I jogged over to him and asked, "Sensei, could I ask a favor?"

"A favor?" He eyed me.

"Could we work on partner drills today?" I suggested, "Bakugo and I were practicing some combat moves yesterday, but we ran out of time. Could we partner up so we can continue?"

Tiger thought for a moment, glancing over the class. "I might be able to fit that in my plan."

"Thank you, Sensei!" I gave a quick bow as he clapped his hands loudly.


[suicides are a common cardio drill in basketball]

As we all started running the lines of the gym, I glanced over at Bakugo. He was focused and most defiantly not giving anyone in class his attention. Especially me.


After the 'warmup' drill where my legs were aching and my feet burning, Tiger gathered us up. We were all catching our breaths as he explained what we were going to do. Once we partnered up, we would practice a hand-to-hand combat drill that was all about redirecting a punch. I've done a similar drill at Gunhead's dojo, so I didn't have to worry about focusing on the drill while I tried to talk to Bakugo. All we had to do was dodge a punch with a block, and then grab the wrist. We would exchange two punches back and forth with our partner.

Once tiger was finishing explaining the drill, he started pairing people up. He went through a few people before getting to me, and just like the hero he was, he honored my request!

"Ashido with Tsui, Ojiro with Sato, Bakugo with Uraraka, Yaoyorozu with Hagakure..." Tiger said so causally, no one would ever know I asked for the favor.

I noticed Bakugo reacted with annoyance as our substitute teacher pared us, but he quickly shook it off and we headed toward our own space in the gym. He was silent as we faced each other, his eyes glancing to my shoulders as he gestured for me to punch him first.

I did, allowing him to practice the defense. "About last night," I started, "I didn't mean to start arguing with you. I was only trying to– it was all messy. I'm sorry. We shouldn't be fighting."

He blinked his attention away from me before punching me back for the drill. "You expecting an apology or some shit?"

"No," I said, feeling guilty again. "I started it."

"Fucking right you started it." Punch.

Block and grab. "I was only trying to tell you how I felt."

He sneered, "Tch, your message was loud and clear." Punch.

Block and grab. "Really?" I asked, letting go of his wrist. "Because it didn't seem like you were getting what I was saying." Punch.

He blocked and grabbed, harder than before. "You're always going to be on the nerd's side."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean??" I punched faster.

His moments were so fast, I didn't even feel his block. His hand was squeezing my wrist tightly as he yanked me toward him a little. "When your precious little Deku gets hurt, I'm the one to blame."

He threw my wrist to the side and started walking away but I pulled him back by his sleeve. My patients this week was really being tested with this boy. "I wasn't blaming you– I was trying to tell you to trust us more so we can all help each other. We're all heroes."

"Bitchy way of saying it."

Keep it together, keep it together. "I was mad because I know you trust us to fight by your side, but not enough to–"

"Save it!" He shook me off, turning away.

I grabbed him again, "I'm not mad anymore! I know there's more that you're going through–"

He gripped the front of my shirt and pulled me in, threatening. "You don't know a goddamn thing."

And then he tossed me aside as he walked over to another group, ditching me as a partner. I turned away to rub my temples.


Words were exchanged before Jiro stepped in front of me to be my new partner. She kept looking back and forth at Bakugo and I when she asked, "What was that about? Do we need to beat his ass?"

I shook my head. "No... It's my own mess to clean up."

"Alright, but if you need backup let me know." She readied herself to continue the drill.

I gave her a smile. "Oh, I've actually been wanting to ask you something. My parent's anniversary is coming up and they would always go out to a restaurant and dance. Since they're here in the refugee camp, I was wondering if you would play in the dinner hall for them? Just a few songs? I would do it myself but I don't know how to play any instruments..."

"That's sweet," she said. "Who else is going to play?"

"You're the first person I've asked."

"Oh." She smiled and said, "My parents are there too. Maybe I can ask them for a few things?"

"Really?!" I beamed.

"Yeah, why not? Music always makes me feel better. Playing for the refugees could be a good relief for them too." She reminded me, "Like how when we played at the festival."

I nodded, "Yeah! Thank you!"

"No biggy! When's their anniversary?" She asked.

I said, "In like a week and a half, it lands on a Friday."

"I'll make a playlist."

"I'll send you their favorite songs!"

And class went on.


And so did the days.

Amelioration | A Bakugo & Uraraka Story Pt6Where stories live. Discover now