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Sam was awoken when Scott parked the Truck In front of an empty field "are we there?" Sam stretched as her head turned to look at Scott "yeah, but we need to get something." Scott said as he unbuckled him, Sam went to follow his movements but he stopped her "stay here please." Sam nodded, knowing all the feelings he was going through.

Scott got out of the truck and walked into the open field, his eye's examining everything around him. Sam turned when she saw movement at the corner of her eye, she turned her head to her a women get out of her car and slowly walk towards Scott.

Sam sighed, her head facing downwards at her hands that laid in her lap, before the sound of the door opening made her jump "shit!" Sam quietly hissed.
Scott settled back in the driver seat "so what now?" Sam asked in curiosity  "we meet Chris." Scott said before driving away.

"Does your, uh, mom know that you're here?" Chris asked Scott as the four of them surrounded the island table "Does she know that you're here?" Scott asked back making Chris shake his head "No. And I kind of want to keep it that way." Scott nodded his head in agreement "yeah, me too."

"All right. Lydia, we've got the earth where she died, the weapon that took her life. According to you, that's steps one and two. What is next?"

"I was, uh, hoping you could help me figure that out. I mean, to be honest, I'm a little out of practice with all of this." Lydia responded making Sam look towards her "You still scream like a banshee, right?"

"Um Not quite like I used to. It's just like a muscle. You stop using it, and it atrophies."

"Why did you stop using your power?"

"Stiles. Obviously it has something to do with Stiles." A new voice entered the room, making all heads turn to a man who was now rummaging through the fridge, pulling out a slice of pizza.

"Why is Jackson here?" Scott asked as he gave Lydia a side eye "What are you doing?" Jackson scoffed "Well, firstly, Jackson prefers not to be talked about like he's not in the room." The man sassed "Second, well, Lydia called, begging me to help, as usual. And I said, OK, so long as she promised never to tell Ethan, because I promised Ethan that I would never come back to this nightmare hellscape of a town."

Lydia leaned forward a bit "Thank you." She exaggerated it before leaning back again.
Jackson looked down at the multiple pieces of paper on the table "Oh, I love these games." He said as he went to grab them, only to get his hand slammed down my Chris's "This isn't a game." Chris spat out as he gave the younger man beside him a glare "I have claws that drip paralytic venom, and a tail that'll snap your neck. So take your hand off of me, old man." Jackson warned making Sam let out a small giggle as she turned to Scott to whisper "I like him." Scott rolled his eyes and Jackson turned to Sam, giving her a small smirk before grabbing all the papers and sitting on the floor to spread them out.

Sam followed the others to gather around Jackson and he moved the papers to their rightful matches. Once he was done he grabbed his pizza and stood up and looked down "Oh. It's a tree." He said taking a bite out of his pizza "It's not just a tree." Lydia stammers out "It's the Sacred Grove. The ancients Druids call it a nemeton." Chris said as he looked down at the drawling and back up to Scott "Well, it looks like a tree." Jackson sassed out before taking a bite of the cold pizza

Oh lord help me, this man is too funny.

"So who are we meeting now?" Sam asked from the backseat of Scott's truck "one of our old friends." Lydia replied before the truck stopped.
Sam unbuckled herself and was about to get out before she realized Scott hasn't moved, she moved her head in between the two front seats
And looked at Scott then to the women who was awkwardly standing outside in front of the car before she realized what was going on, she made an 'ohh' face before she smirked.  "Oh, for the love of God. Come on." Lydia said before getting out of the car and ran towards the other woman, Sam and Scott slowly followed her actions "Oh! I missed you!" Lydia squealed out as she threw her arms around the short haired women. "I missed you too." The women replied making Lydia instantly say "No, you didn't." The women made a face "OK. I wanted to." Lydia pulled away as she pointed up at her "Well, that I can believe." Sam watched as her and Scott made eye contact "Hi" Scott said making her nod "Hi" This made Sam want to die.

Oh god kill me now, I can feel the awkwardness in the air.

"It's good to see you." He said as they pulled back from their hug "It's kind of awkward to see you." The women replied making Scott nod in agreement, the women looked towards Sam "who the hell is this?" She said with a raised eyebrow
"This is Sam, my beta." Scott spoke as he wrapped his arm around the younger girl's shoulder "Um Sam this is our friend Malia." Lydia introduced making the two give each other a small smile before it got quiet again.

"OK! Let's go find a tree in the woods." Malia said as she turned to began walking. Scott looked down to Sam "come on." Making the rest follow after the Malia.

Sam and Eli meet next chapter!!!!

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Sam and Eli meet next chapter!!!!

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