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Sam let out a groan when she landed hard into the ground, she raised her head to see that she was thrown into the lacrosse game.
She felt a hand get placed on her hip, she turned her head to see Eli laying down beside her "you okay?" He asked making Sam nod.

They both heard footsteps approach them, they both turned to see the lacrosse players running at them "shit!" Eli hissed as he threw himself over Sam, covering her head with his arms so they wouldn't step on her face.

When they passed Eli got into his feet and helped Sam stand up as well "Eli, and Eli's girlfriend Where the hell did you come from?" Coach shouted as he came onto the field, grabbing Eli by his shirt to help him off the field.
"Get off the... hey! Off the field! Get off the field! Look at you!" They coach blew his whistle.

They both walked to the side of the field to see Scott heading towards them "Sam!" Scott yelled as he brought the girl into a tight hug "are you okay, what happened?" He asked as he pulled away, seeing her blood that stained her shirt "The nogitsune being an ass, as usual." Sam chuckled making Scott shake his head at her with a smile "where have you two been?" He asked as they began to make their way out of the stadium "an illusion." Sam said making Eli nod "yeah it's a place, but it's not real. They're all there with my dad, and they're alive." Scott looked at the two "This part of the game?" He stopped before continuing.

"It's like he's knocking pieces off the board." Scott said making Eli and Sam look at him confused "So how come he put us back on it?" Eli asked "I don't know, but I need to get you guys out of here. Come on." They three went to walk into the entrance of the stadium but was knocked back by a force field. "Fuck man.." Sam complained as her hand went up to her nose "Oh! What the hell was that?" Eli exclaimed as he got the wind knocked out of him, Scott placed his hand back against the force field, stopping him from getting through.

"Mountain ash."

"The sun's going down.If the Oni come out at night...There's 10,000 people in this stadium."
Sam looked at Scott "What are we supposed to do?" She asked before Scott thought of something "come on." Eli and Sam raced after Scott as he made his way to the Coach "Coach, hey!" Scott said trying to get his attention, he turned to look at Scott "Oh, no, no, no, no.Unacceptable you graduated, McCall, you're not ruining this for me." Scott shook his head "Coach, every single person in this stadium is in danger.Is there any way to get them out without panicking them?" Coach looked at him "Yeah, you win the game." He said back with a duh tone.

"What happens if they tie it up?" Scott asked making Coach look at him "Sudden death." Sam rolled her eyes at his dramatic's "Coach, there's gonna be 10,000 sudden deaths if we don't stop this game." Scott said as the other team scored making Coach yell "Crap! I haven't felt this level of disappointment since I lost my virginity. You!" Coach said as he looked at Sam "she your's?" Coach asked Scott making Sam stutter out "um actually-" but Scott cut her off "yea." Making her eyes go wide

"Did she get her lacrosse genes from you?" He asked making Scott nod with a smile, Coach turned and grabbed a lacrosse stick from another player "here" he passed it to Sam "Four minutes, whoever scores first wins."

Once Eli and Sam got done with slipping the uniforms on Scott walked back up to them "Number 11? That used to be my number." He said to Eli who looked back at him "Do you want it back?" He asked making Scott shake his head "No, no. That's OK. Just, if you're gonna wear my number, you better score." Eli smiled "ill try"

Sam looked around, bouncing up and down on her feet "hey, hey!" Scott said as he got her attention, laying his hands on her shoulders "don't be nervous okay? You got this." He encouraged making her shake her head "I'm going to throw up." Sam said seriously as she stared out into the field "hey! Look at me, yes you can okay, I've seen you practice you got this." Scott said before Coach shouted "Let's go! Let's do it! Asses on the field! We score first!" Eli and Sam looked at each other, nodding their head in unison before placing their helmets on.

Both Eli and Sam rushed through the field, sticks and hand and they tried to get the ball "Get it to tiny McCall! To tiny McCall!." Coach yelled out to his players making Sam's stomach turn.
Some player passed the ball too Sam and she freaked, sending the ball upwards and into the score board "damn it!" Sam hissed before centering back around to Eli "new plan." Sam said as she stood intron on Eli "You take the shot. I'll cover you." Sam said looking around at the people around her "Are you kidding? No, it's your shot!" Sam shook her head "I'm a nervous reck I can't do this, but you can okay, come on let's go!" Sam said as she reached forward and grabbed onto the front of his jersey, pulling him with her.

Once they started Sam got the ball and passed it to Eli "come on Eli!" Sam yelled as she ran to cover him, pushing down anyone who got in his way.
Eli grunted as he swung his stick forward, the ball leaving it and flying into the air, landing into the goal.

Sam ripped her helmet off her head as she ran to Eli who celebrated, she threw her arms around his neck, his arms wrapping around her waist.
Before Sam pulled away she leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek making Eli look at her with Rosie cheeks "see I told you." She whispered with a smile.

"Holy shit! Scott, did you see that? Did you me score? My dad was actually right. I'm actually pretty good." Eli said with a wide smile, before it disappeared out of realization "Oh, my God, my dad." He whispered, Sam frowned as she took his hand in hers.

"This isn't over, we're gonna find the others. Come on."

Um I don't think y'all will like the new ending 😬

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Um I don't think y'all will like the new ending 😬

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