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Eli ran faster once he saw that they reached the road, "come on!" He helped Sam up the hill and into the road only for Eli to notice a car come straight at them.
Eli wrapped his arms around Sam, his one arm covered her head as he pulled her intones chest, moving backwards so his back was facing the front of the car.

The car swerved out of the way and Eli slowly let go of Sam, his hand laid on the side of her head "you okay?" He asked as she breathed heavily "yeah, yeah I'm fine." Sam whispered before her head turned to the car, seeing the man from earlier get out of it.

"sheriff Stilinski have you seen my dad?" Eli asked as he walked closer to the car, Sam following right behind him "yeah come on, get in." Stilinski nodded towards the car.
Eli opened the door to the backseat letting Sam climb in first before sliding in next to her.

Both of them settled in their seat for the first time tonight, not having to worry about anything chasing them for the moment.
Eli looked down at Sam, reaching over to take her hand in his.
Sam looked up towards Eli, giving him a small smile before slowly and carefully laying her head on his shoulder, this made Eli tense up, but soon relaxed a few seconds later before laying his head on hers.

"Dad? Dad?" Eli asked as he walked through the front door of his house, Sam and Stilinski following right after him. "Eli? Eli!" Derek got up from his seat and brought his son into a hug "You're safe, Eli. You're safe." Sam looked towards Derek with glossy eyes "Yeah, but Scott isn't." Sam spoke "Hey, we got a problem." Stilinski said from beside Sam.

The sound of clicking caught everyone's attention "Three of them." Deaton said as the Oni walked down the hall and began attacking them.

Sam flicked her claws out and charged at one that went after Deaton, she sent a punch to its chest making the oni fly back and into the wall.
It ended up coming back trying to swing its sword at Sam but she sent a harsh kick into the Oni's arm.
She used her claws to slash at the oni, using her foot to kick at the back of its leg making it fall down. She used this time to run over to check on Eli after she realized everyone was turning into dust.

"Eli." She was about to rush to the other side of the room where he was but he yelled out to her "Sam behind you!" But Sam couldn't turn fast enough, she winced in pain when one of the Oni's blade's was shoved right into her stomach, she then fell to the ground and before she could turn into dust she heard Eli shout her name in pain.

And then he watched her disappear.

Sam groaned as she lifted her head up, and when she opened her eyes she saw immediately saw Derek and Eli "where the hell are we?" Sam asked as she looked around to observe her surroundings "an illusion." Derek replied making her nod before turning her head to face Eli "you okay?" Eli asked worried, Sam sent the boy a small smile "yeah, you?" She asked making him nod in reply.

Derek yelled as he tried to rip through the ropes that held him trapped. "Derek, I'm not so sure even your strength could break those bonds, not here." Deaton said making Derek look defeated
"Eli, are you OK? How's your leg?" Derek asked his son "Yeah, it's fine. It's healed." Eli said as he looked down a his once sprained foot "You learn how to heal?" Derek asked in excitement "Yeah, kind of. Well, Scott did most of it."

"That's amazing!" He was then interrupted "Hey, Derek. Maybe you want to be a little more subtle with your antics."

"The Nogitsune isn't gonna kill us, not yet. He put us here to watch him win. We're here for our pain." The girl who Sam hadn't recognized say as she looked up at them "Do you guys hear that?" The man beside her asked with his eyes closed.

Sam listened closely, slowly recognizing the familiar sound "It sounds like..." the deputy across from him trailed off "Lacrosse" the man finished.

The Nogitsune showed up, climbing the steps "A man looks at a photograph of another man. He says, "Brothers and sisters have I none. But this man's father is my father's son." Who is the man in the photograph?" He said as he walked towards Derek "my son." Derek spat making the Nogitsune turn to face Eli "ah" Derek looked at Eli "Don't be afraid." Sam watched as Eli moved backwards, trying to get away from the dark spirt "Oh, of this guy? No, no way." He said as it put it's hand to Eli's face "Oh, my God, he's touching me" he said disgusted "The son of Derek Hale. But not a wolf yet, is he? When night falls, he may earn his fangs, his claws, watching the rest of you die!" He shouted as it scratched Eli's face before turning to Sam.

"And you." It rushed up to her making her lean back and glare at it. " supposedly the true alpha's beta but no, you're stronger than any beta." It roughly grabbed Sam's face with its claws "don't touch her!" Eli shouted as he struggled against his restraints.

"No, no, more like the beta of a more powerful and stronger alpha, more like Harry Parcel." The Nogitsune said as he took his hand and shoved her claws into her stomach, making Sam cry out.

Sam heard Eli growl beside them "ah" the Nogitsune remembered as he slid back over in front of Eli "Baby Hale can't watch his own little mate take a hit-"

Wait what-?

"Then how about we add a few more!" The Nogitsune shouted as he slashed his claws across Sam's face, she could feel the blood drip down her face before it healed again. He added one last slash across her chest before the sound of a roar filled the air, making Sam's eyes glow a bright yellow.
The Nogitsune snarled before walking away from Sam "Eli, did you see that? Did you see your eyes?" Derek asked as he leaned forward "How the hell am I supposed to see my eyes? They're the things I use to see." He stuttered out, trying to make sense out of it "They were glowing."

"What? They were?" Eli asked making Derek nod "yes-" he was cut off the Nogitsune letting out a roar before moving in front of Eli again "Wait, don't!" Derek called out "Tell me, Eli, do you like riddles?" He said as he ran his claws over Eli's face "I'm more of a limerick kind of guy. You know, I like the rhyming." Eli grunted out before the oni grabbed both Sam and Eli "than how about we put our two lovers back into the game" the Nogitsune spat as he threw the two teens in the air as the rest watched them disappear in green dust.


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So....mates huh?

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