°THREE: Retrieve the Lamp, Final Part°

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Screamed the long black-haired female as she quickly fell through the seemingly bottomless pit Macaque threw her into. Was she angry he did that? No. Annoyed? Definitely. You don't usually throw your friends into a pit just to get a lamp. Or maybe they do? Jia wasn't too sure since she never had a friend before.

Maybe it was just the norm for Macaque and she felt the need to get used to that even though it felt wrong to her. While falling through the pit, she remembered something. A not so distant memory. She was sitting in her school's cafeteria all by herself and even though some say that all the company you really need is yourself, Jia was desperate to make friends.

She presumed it was because she came from a well-known family of cultivists that no kid wanted to approach her and lived with that fact for the rest of her childhood years, but if someone was alone for a long time, they'd want a little bit of company, too. Even if it were from animals. Jia braced herself for the impact by putting her arms over her face albeit knowing that it wouldn't do any good.

"Jia? You can open your eyes now," she heard Macaque chuckle deeply.

Jia opened her eyes and saw that they were at the bottom of the pit that turned out to be a cavern of some sort. There were wooden planks where she and Macaque had landed onto, wooden crates and old tablecloths. There were also ropes and a group of mining helmets just laying around,

"I'd love to carry you all day, nightlight, but... you're kinda heavy."

"Oh-! Sorry-"

The lass quickly got out of Macaque's arms while the mystic monkey looked around. She was still bothered about Macaque throwing her, but shrugged it off since she needed to find Wukong's friends to look for the elusive Monkey King.

"Great news. Looks like our lamp is here but the spirit's got it. You got a plan?"

Jia cupped her own chin, "Hmm... Well, maybe you could distract the spirit then I could go and grab the lamp from it?"

"That's... gonna be tough. See, I don't really mess with spirits."

"What? Don't tell me you're scared of them??"

Macaque laughed and waved Jia off as he turned around while the girl raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms,

"Afraid? Me??"

"What is it then?"

"It's just that I think you can handle this yourself. I mean, you've got experience with spirits, don't you? You look like you do."

"Well- I do... sorta," says Jia as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"See? You can do this easy peasy. Now while I leave the distractin' to you, I'll go and get the lamp. Then the two of us can get out of here."

Jia glanced at the ground for a second before sighing, "Alright. But let's be quick about it. This place is giving me the creeps..."

"I was just thinking the same thing!"


"There it is," Macaque pointed out while leaning against a rock and peeked over towards the spirit who had surrounded itself with various items from the mansion, stacked up high like multiple towers.

It looked like it was stacked together by a sticky substance that was prevalent in the area Jia and Macaque were in. The same kind that caterpillars use when they wrap themselves into a cocoon. One meter of said silk suddenly fell onto Jia's face causing the lass to suddenly flail out in panic.

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