°FOUR: Amidst my palm is a Tiny Teen°

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"S-Sorry, sorry! It's just..." Jia chuckled, "You're so cute!"

The tiny human male that fit in the palm of one of her hands suddenly chuckled shyly as he scratched the back of his head,

"Gee, thanks."

"Um, if you don't mind me asking... Do you know a place called Pigsy's Noodles?? The map I have isn't exactly err, reliable..."

"Oh, well that's easy! You're standing right in front of it!!"

Says the tiny male as he stood up on Jia's palm and jumped away from it. A cloud suddenly formed around him as he returned to what Jia assumed to be his normal size. She hadn't noticed it before, but there was a funny smell coming off of the boy in front of her. The lass shrugged it off, however.

"C'mon, I'll show you inside!"


With a smile, Jia and the boy wearing a red bandana entered the restaurant as the black-haired lass popped out from behind the brown-haired male to see two other people that were inside the restaurant. One of them were an anthropomorphic short pink pig with a thick stocky build. He had short whiskers on his cheeks and head. He also wore a white chef's jacket with black pants.

Jia was a bit surprised to see an anthropomorphic short pig stand behind the counter of a noodle restaurant, but since she had already met with two anthropomorphic monkeys, her facial expression didn't change that much. Before him was a human male that sat on one of the counter's chairs with a laptop opened.

The human male before the pink-skinned pig had smooth black hair that was combed sideways and wore round, red rimmed glasses. The man also wore a changpao that had the left side white and the right side red, it had gold clasps in the center. He also sported a maroon scarf and black boots.

They both turned to her and the boy before grimacing at the smell that was coming off of the brunet,

"Kid! Where have you been?! And what's that sme- Ugh-"

"The sewers-"


Says the pink pig before taking a closer whiff at the smell that was coming off of the teenage boy before her and squealed, much like a pig would when spooked as the human male threw up. It wouldn't take a detective to deduce what the man just threw up considering the countless blue bowls that were once filled with noodles was just sitting ontop of the counter and the floor.

Jia widened her eyes in shock and looked at the hand she just used to pick MK up, realizing he just came out of the sewers, the lassie's jaw dropped open in shock. She then wiped her hand against her clothes rapidly.

"Staff hygiene continues to be unacceptable," the man in glasses typed away on his laptop before continuing.

"Aaaaaaanndd... publish!

"MK! You just got me a bad review!!"

Says the stout pig and flipped the laptop around to face him instead before taking a closer look at the website the human male was typing into. He squinted his eyes and lightly pressed his nose onto the screen,

"Wait, a minute... This is your site? It only has one follower and that follower's name is... Tang!"

Tang, the man in glasses, widened his eyes since it looked like his secret was found out albeit looking smug and confident just a few seconds earlier. He suddenly chuckled in nervousness before rubbing the back of his neck and explaining to the pink pig before him.

"I-I mean, I-I'm just starting. You're my first review."

"And your last!"

Tang watched as the pink anthro pig before him pull out a rolling pin and lightly patting it against the palm of his twice with a threatening glare. The glasses-wearing male quickly fled from the counter as the pig leaped over from behind and began chasing him around,

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