- Chapter 1 -

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Red Flag 1: Relationship Unequality

Millie's Pov

Althroughout my life I have always promised myself to do one thing every school year. That is to cause trouble for once. Just to spice up my high school. But for some reason all of the "trouble" that I cause seems to be of big help to others. Like that one time I stole the answer sheets back in middle school, my teacher praised me for finding it for she somehow lost it and gave me extra points. As much as I hate to say this to everyone, I have always been a teacher's pet. No matter what I do or say, or heck even breathe, they would always give me credit for it. It is pretty alright to live an unproblematic high school with high grades and all. But there is something missing. A story that I want to tell other people when I grow old that is so intriguing about my high school. I can't just tell my kids that I aced all my tests. But if its a peaceful life I am getting then that is what I will have. Since this is my last year of high school might as well keep myself out of trouble. It is pretty fated for me to be out of trouble 24/7 of the time.

"Ms Garilleva!"

"Y-Yes maam?"

I stood up as I scanned through the room to find Maam Rosa and everyone looking at me.

"Can you tell me the relationship between History, Culture and Arts please?"

I fixed my glasses and confidently answered.

"History, Culture and Arts all go hand in hand when combined. Each could tell a story or an origin of someone or something. Arts is a way people from the past til present to express their tradition, history and culture."

"Good answer Ms. Garilleva, you may take your seat."

I sat back down and fidgeted the sleeve of my jacket as I wait for the class to dismiss.


"Class dismissed, do not forget to bring your papers due next week for our performance task."

I took my backpack hanging from behind my seat and went out the classroom. Waiting for my friends to be dismissed, I leaned on the wall beside their classroom door and peeked through its transparent glass. Looking at my friends as they sneaked past the teacher.

"That was really close." Mentioned Flora as she fixes her pastel pink knitted sweater.

"Tell me about it, it has only been a week since school started and lessons start to flood in." Lyza says while stretching her arms wide.

"So what are our plans for this school year?" Asked Rose who carefully places her floral printed backpack on a marbled table.

"I was thinking about what club to join in. I can't seem to decide." Said Lyza doubtly.

Flora sits beside me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "So Millie, what club are you joining in?"

"I was thinking maybe business club, but it seems a tad bit formal for me."

"What about the Volunteer club, we could go to field trips and stuff." Flora says as she opens a brochure and scans through the page.

"That could be, but it seems like Millie has a lot in her plate with her boyfriend." Sneered Rose.

"Okay no, I promised myself this year that it would be mostly with my girls. You guys name it." I said as I crossed my arms and looked at them with a smile on my face.

It has been two years ever since the last face to face due to an unfortunate global pandemic. I never had the chance to meet up with my friends ever since then. But now that times have changed, figures that it is a sign for me to spend more time with them as we could.

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