- Chapter 8 -

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Red Flag 8: Third Party

Millie's Pov

Pacing back and forth in my bedroom, I was having my normal mental breakdown with the "crush" business.

What should I say?

Wait, who am I kidding? I have been talking to him my whole life. A few exchange of words wont hurt, he also needs this audition.

Keep it together.

It took me a while but I decided to press the call button of my messenger next to his handsome looking profile picture.

Kill me now.

"Well look who decided to call me after weeks in hiding."

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself your highness, it is you who should come out of hiding from the Siopao stalls."

He nervously chuckled.

"Sorry about that... so to what do I owe the pleasure of being phone called by miss Gari here?" He asks.

His humor never really runs out at any situation does it?

"I called because Miss Reyes wanted me to relay a message for you about the upcoming NOPSSCEA. They want us to audition."

"Of course she would, it is only a matter of time she would send us to another country for another opportunity." The way he chuckles everytime at his own jokes gives me butterflies.

"I'll put in a word for dad. He'll know what to do for the both of us."

"Yeah sure, let me know what he thinks."

"Hey Millie?"


"Valorant, Next Saturday. 10 P.M?"

I swallowed a chunk in my throat and barely replied him.

"I'd like that."

-------- ♡ --------

Morning the next day, my mom and my sister decided to plan out for my upcoming 18th birthday. They have been preparing an entire year for it.

"Have you already listed the names for the 18th roses?" Asked my mother

"I have it, the order for the party music has also already been arranged." My sister replied while organizing the party planner on her Ipad.

"Both of you are really serious about this."

"It is, afterall, the only time in your life you get to become a lady." Says mom as she takes her measuring tape and write down my body proportions.

"Everything is set for the 18th candles, roses, and the treasures." Winked my sister as she proudly shows off her hardwork.

I mouthed her a "Thank You".

It took us almost an entire day to discuss  for the preparations of my 18th birthday coming up in the next few months. After hours of constant brain storming and productivity, I found myself an escape route and some time to spare for myself to leisure.

I lied down on my bed and let out a sigh of relief. I should call Marvin right now. I need a little slap of comfort.

I grabbed my phone and pressed the call button on Marvin's profile.

"Hi babe."

I jumped for what's to come.


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