- Chapter 3 -

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Red Flag 3: Absence of Attention

Millie's pov

Here in the Philippines, the country I live in, every August or September we celebrate our traditions as Filipinos and embrace our culture through various activities, entertainment, and cuisine. The holiday is called "Linggo ng wika". "Language week" when translated. Out of all the things we do in Language week there was one particular activity I have always looked forward to.

Boodle fight.

Where everyone places all of their food on banana leaves and eat the food of their choice with the use of their hands.

Fun right? Yes.

Unhygienic? As long as they keep their hands to themselves you will be fine.

At the covered court of the school, each batch had their own long tables with banana leaves to put their brought-food on. There were streamers, balloons, triangular flags, and confetti at every corner. Along with a stage where all performers get to entertain everybody with the traditional culture of Filipinos.

Everybody was dressed up in their traditional costumes. Girls were taking selfies everywhere and smothering their faces with lip tint and baby powder. While the boys were more focused on the delicious sight of the food waiting to be devoured.

I, on the other hand, am arranging the food on the table. Busy separating the savory from the sweet. When a familiar face approached me to our batch table.

"Millie, may I have a word?"

A petite woman with a bunned hair carrying a set of records on her hand wearing a formal attire. Definitely Maam Marilyn Reyes. One of our school admin.

"Yes of course, maam Mari. Is something troubling you?"

"Well, we need a singer for the intermission number of the event and we seem to be lacking one. I was hoping maybe you could be a part of it."

She smiled tapping her pen on her record-filled clip board.

Millie please say no, please say no.

"Of course, I will be over shortly."

"Fantastic! Thank you for your cooperation. I will put your name on the list as soon as I can."

I forced a smile on my face and left out a nervous chuckle as she moves to check the other table.

Your last year here in school yet you still can't say no. Way to go Millie. I took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

"Are you just gonna stand there and fix your stuff or are you coming with the cool kids?"

I turned around and saw Flora. Before I could say anything, she took my hand and dragged me out of the covered court towards our classroom. There I saw my friends and my boyfriend and his group sitting in the dark next to the air conditioning.

"Are you guys crazy? We aren't supposed to be in our classrooms during the event there will be consequences." I whispered.

"Oh please, we took our attendances. There is nothing to worry about." Said Rose.

"Not to mention our classroom is at the very edge of the school itself. No one even goes here to check." Lyza continued.

"And we also turned the lights off so, no one will find us here." Marvin answered as he pats the chair beside him signaling me to sit. I watch him and his friends playing their game filled trashtalks and curses.

Maybe I should sit with my friends. My ears are bleeding from the screeching and bloodcurling screams.

"I'll just be with the girls. You boys have fun while you are at it." I said looking at Marvin to see if he paid attention.

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