- Chapter 5 -

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Millie's pov

Marvin's birthday is coming up

So I came up with a plan to give him something special for his occasion. Knowing that I am broke and my parents never liked him in the first place I decided to just give him a sentimental letter instead and a homemade bracelet.

"Looks like someone's been busy over the weekend. What'ya making?" Asked Flora hugging her backpack as wr both sit at the benches of the school canteen.

"Making a letter and a bracelet for Marvin. Doesn't it look nice?" I said holding the bracelet up showing her what it looked like.

"Cute. But I can't help but think something is bothering you ever since the first day of school happened."

It's true. Ever since school came back I have been feeling uncomfortable with the fact that I get to see Marvin's face everyday for the rest of the year. Knowing our on and off relationship, its getting pretty tiring.

"Its about Marvin isn't it?" Flora asked and I nodded in response.

"Real talk Millie. Do you actually love him? Or are you doing all this out of pity?"

No, there's no way. I do love him, I really do.

Before I could say something Marvin cuts in and sits beside me.

"How is everyone doing?" placing his bag on the table.

"We're good, just talking about school while we wait for Rose and Lyza." I said as I glare at Flora who is giving me "the look" as she takes a few sips on her water bottle.

I hid my bracelet and letter completely out of sight and continued my conversation with Marvin. All is well. Until the bell rang for our first class.

"I'll see you after school." Marvin said as he gave me a wink. I smiled and gave him a wave goodbye. I turned to Flora already standing and looking down on me.

"Think about what I said earlier okay? You haven't answered my question." Flora clutched her backpack while hugging me before she left.

She's right. Do I love Marvin or don't I?

I shook my head and grabbed my backpack to head for my classroom.
Class was great overall, I participated as usual and listened. All of my projects have been passed, and all my quizzes are A's.

When class dismissed, I headed over to the senior high school faculty to sign up for the loyalty week's sports fest from my class adviser. Miss Quin.

"Oh while you're at it Millie. I would like to ask a favor from you." Smiled Miss Quin as she does her paperwork.

"Whenever you need me miss. What can I do for you?"

"I would like you to sing the prayer for the opening of our loyalty week celebration. Can you do so?" She asks. I nodded with no hesitation.

"Of course, I'll whip up a song in no time." I smiled.

"Wonderful! I'll have your name on the list. Let me know if you need clarifications." She said continuing her work as I finish up and leave the office.

It is going to be one of those days when I listen to multiple songs on shuffle to pick a song and practice it later at home.

I walked along the corridors of the school to meet up with Marvin at the school's gym and can't help but be curious with where we are going with this.

The dark locker rooms alongside with the rest rooms was the "backrooms" waiting to happen. It was so dark, eerie and abandoned that it slowly suffocated me as I walked through the dark void until a hand pulled me by the wrist.

I screamed.


"Hey hey hey! It's me, Marvin."

Marvin held both of my wrists together slowly calming me down from punching the air in a panic motion.

"You scared me!" I slapped his shoulder.

"Geez, what a way to greet me."

"Says you who decided to greet me that way."

He rubbed his shoulder from the pain gently and fixed his posture to say something.

"Look we have been together for almost 2 years. I feel like its time for us to be more... intimate."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

Before I knew it, he held my chin up and slowly leaned close to my face which made me feel the sigh of his breath. To my expectation, Marvin pulled me in for a kiss.

As we slowly progress our kiss, he slowly went deeper, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. The longer our kiss went, the weirder it became. His tongue moved at a certain circular motion and his mouth went all over every corners of my lips. It was then I realized something...

Marvin was not kissing me. He was swallowing me whole.

The wetness of my lips and its surrounding skin from his constant passing of his spit leftovers gave me shivers down my spine. At the most horrible way possible.

As we broke the kiss off. I contemplated my life decisions as to why it happened and what exactly happened.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

After years of watching kdrama passionate kissing and hours of constant binge for imaginary scenarios what happened was totally anticlimactic.

"Yeah great. I might have to leave in a few minutes. I'll be going to the lobby."

"Sure I have to leave as well. I might as well go right now actually."
Then there was awkward silence for a few moments and we both parted ways.

What the hell was that?

It took me a few moments to let my feelings sink in. That was my first kiss. My actual first kiss. My whole life.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Flora slammed her table in her house as we both video call on our phones.

"SHHHH! Keep it down. My mom could barge in any minute." I whispered.

"Oh sorry. You. Did. What?"

"I was not anticipating it either okay? It all happened in a flash." I explained as I opened my bag to take out my school supplies for my homework.

"Was it good at least? How did it feel?" She asked. I cringed and shook my head slowly trying my best to sugar coat the feeling.

"It was... okay. Nothing special." I hesitated.

"I know that look. Let me know." She said intertwining her fingers together.

"Okay it was pretty messed up. So what? It's his first time."

"You kissed, Your lips ain't virgin, he never asked, and it was your first time. To make matters worse, it was also terrible."

"He'll learn how to kiss. Besides, as my first time kissing, I reckon I was pretty bad as well."

"But the fact you knew he was doing it wrong just says you do it better sister."

"Good point."

"Think about what I asked you earlier. Start being honest with yourself. Break something now than to let it crush itself later."

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"My 18th birthday celebration is coming up. He will be my partner for the cotillion dance. I'll do something about that afterwards."

"Agreed, now let me know if there is more tea to spill. I love it Pipin' HOT."

I rolled my eyes, gave her a blow kiss and chuckled before I ended the call. I plopped on my bed and scrolled through some videos to select my song of choice for the upcoming loyalty week.

I practiced the whole night and eventually dozed off to a deep slumber. At least much earlier than usual.

Another problem arose as I slept, how am I going to face him after that incident.

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