- Chapter 9 -

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Red Flag 9: Disapprovement of Family and Friends

Millie's pov

"1, 2, 3... 1,2,3... now gently raise the hands and then twirl."

The dance instructor instructed as we all followed and danced in sync to his demonstrated dance.

"Job well done everyone, let us take our breaks for now and we'll meet back here in a few minutes for our last round."

Everyone sat on the benches and took their time to catch their breaths after a long morning of cotillion practice.

"These high heels are a killer for every dancer." I groaned as I took them off and slowly placed my feet firmly on the ground.

"Ahh that hits the spot."

"Alright everyone, lunch will be ready in a few minutes. I'd like to count how many all of you are just in case." Mother counted as she pointed towards us individually.

"Nine pairs. Thats plenty." Said my father as he plopped a plastic bag filled with all our bento meals.

"Thank you dad."

As my parents distributed the lunches, Marvin went over by my side while we both sit at the table where my friends are sitting.

"Marvin, hate to break it to ya but this is a ladies only table." Flora joked.

"Well hate to break it to ya as well but we are both in a relationship." Marvin took a chair and sat down.

Flora rolled her eyes as we sat in awkward silence throughout the entire lunch break.

At the end of the day, the other dancers have already left for home while Flora and my other best friend Grace stayed to wait for their guardians.

"I don't like him." Grace randomly blurted out of nowhere.

Flora and I looked at each other then looked at Grace.

"Who?" I asked.

"Marvin of course, who else?"

Said Grace as she takes out a crystal from her black, gothic, coffin-shaped bag ,and rubbing it in a circular motion between her palms.

"I don't trust him either." Flora took a deep sigh.

"You guys are overthinking this-"

"How are you not?"

"He's been nothing but kind to me in our 2 year relationship." I defended.

"One does not solely rely on kindness in a relationship, its a whole damn package. Geezus why the hell is it so hot in here for god's sake." Grace groaned fixing her blue streak highlighted hair and pulling it up in a bun due to the amount of heat our waiting spot felt.

Welcome to the Philippines.

"Listen, I am aware, but right now we really need to focus on how we are gonna get through this birthday celebration of mine. I have enough stress as is."

I spanked myself with my now sweat-drenched handkerchief over my head as I hear two cars approaching from the front building.

"Yall, your cars are here."

I bid my friends goodbye as I went inside our family van. When suddenly my mother asked me a rather uncomfortable question.

"Are you and Marvin together?"

Oh boy.

"No we're not. I was merely being friendly with him because he was being one." I sighed as I leaned on my reclined chair. I looked at my father's rear mirror and saw my mother looking straight at me with no hint of care or happiness whatsoever. A shiver went down my spine but managed to hide it from plain sight and looked straight back.

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