- Chapter 7 -

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Red Flag 7: Overthinker

Millie's pov

Finally, the week we have all been waiting for the entire school year. The Loyalty Week Celebration came. It is also tradition that every opening of this event comes with a parade with all the students from different grade levels to roam around the school grounds. Me being me, I was a part of the Marching band as a majorette. So we are the main people leading the march for the parade.

We were in the dressing room getting ready for the parade. I was wearing my makeup, my white top and short blue puffy skirt, my boots, and my hair up in a ponytail with extensions. Holding my baton ready for spinning and stunts. Until our band master barged into our dressing room in a panic.

"Our Mother Major is injured, we need a substitution."

The band master immediately picked the closest majorette he could find and said

"You are leading the parade. Case is closed."

My eyes widened and my heart started beating quicker than its usual heartrate.

"But sir! I don't know the mother major's-"

"Just follow what I do and where to go." He said while leaving the room with no stutter.

I looked at my fellow majorettes amd saw Rose giving me a thumbs up. I gave her a nod filled determination.

Well it is now or never.

As we all got into position, I spun my baton in the air to signal the band for preparation and dropped my hand down to start the march of the parade. We eventually reached to our destination where our opening would take place which is our school's covered court. Streamers, confetti, banners, and all sorts of decorations filled the entire space of the covered court. It was almost unrecognizable. I lead and positioned the entire band beside the stage and continued the routine we are already doing as the host calls out each of the batches to proceed to their respective positions.

As I was spinning the baton and multiple tosses and turns later, I spotted a familiar face towards the crowd. It was Gray looking at me. I smiled at him but he looked away rather quickly.

Guess he didn't see me.

We finished our routine and all gathered back in our designated band room to freshen up and enjoy the entire school festival.

Me being me, I walked around different stalls and eventually my appetite gave in for a savory aroma coming from one of the stalls at the very end of the volleyball court. I followed and plowed through the tight crowd and took out my wallet.

"Hi, I would like to get one of those siopao's please."

Said myself as I took some money out to pay. Then I realized, the girl selling the siopao's to me is Gray's girlfriend.

"That would be 20 pesos."

I did what she told me to do and took out a 20 and giving it to her. Gray came out of the door from behind the stall and was stunned to see me. Looking away from me as he helped his girlfriend.

What's up with him?

"He hates me."

I said munching anxiously at my now squished siopao.

"Oh come on, you can't even breathe in front of him. What could you possibly have done wrong." Flora said caressing my hair while she sits on top of the bench table while I sat in front of her.

"Maybe he was just busy making these siopao's. He took a whole lot of time and effort judging by the taste of it." Rose chuckled as she hungrily devours her entire siopao in a matter of minutes.

"Think about it this way, his girlfriend was there, he might have just respected what his girlfriend was feeling or something. Whatever couples do." Lyza replied, reassuring me.

Lyza might be right. For a second I forgot he has a girlfriend. I never thought about that. I have way too many things to worry about than to worry about what anyone thinks about me.

"I think I might be way too much of a people pleaser. This is so frustrating." I groaned as I plopped my face unto Flora's lap.

"You gotta stop doing that."

"Do what?" I asked Flor.

"Pleasing everyone. Just because your moms not in content with you doesn't mean-"

Rose elbowed Flora making her stop.

"Its fine Rose. She has a point. Don't make her stop." I replied.

The program went smoothly and I did my duties as usual. I successfully executed my singing performance onstage, yet again, filled the atmosphere with cheering and love from the audience. I went over to the administrator's table to greet them and to express my gratitude for applauding my performance.

"Thank you for the applause."

"Now this is who I am telling you about. Our school's prodigy in Music and Arts." Miss Marilyn Reyes points out as she introduces me to a short mature looking man wearing his baseball cap and holding a cup of coffee.

"My name is Sir Michael. It is great to finally meet the school's anticipated singer."

He held out a hand to handshake and I shook it in response.

"Millie at your service sir Michael."

"Sir Michael here has seen your potential and would like to hear more from you next week. He is holding up auditions for the upcoming NOPSSCEA contests."

I smiled so wide I had to put both of my hands over my mouth to avoid bugs from buzzing in.

"NOPSSCEA? Like the contest held for the competition of all schools here in the City?"

"Indeed, come next week and we shall finalize our decision. 'Tis your decision we shall await miss Garilleva." Sir Michael smiles with delight as I excitedly turned to Miss Reyes for a thank you.

"Would it be so kind for you to also invite sir Gray to the audition?"


"You mean, Jonathan?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, miss Garilleva."

"Sure I'll make sure he gets the message. Thank you for choosing us." I bowed with excitement and happily went over to my friend's table.

"I got myself an opportunity ladies."

This will be the start of a new year and a new me.

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