- Chapter 2 -

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Red Flag 2:  Lack of Communication

Millie's pov

   Weeks went by since our team building and school is back at it again to reality. I never really thought of summer ending. I just wish it could have stayed the way it was forever. But now its time to move forward and see what I can do to live my life and survive my last year in senior high school.


More than I thought, the bell rang.

"Class is dismissed. You may leave the premises. Thank you." Said our Math teacher Alya as the wrinkles on her cheek form to a sweet smile. I placed everything on the table in my bag when a loud voice from the corner of the room called out for me.

"Millie! You have GOT to see this." Yelled Sofia. A friend of mine in class as she takes my hand with her ponytail hair swinging as she makes me sit with the other girls.

"Take a look at this!" She opens her phone to show me a picture of Gray and the other girl I saw him with the other day.

Rumors. As I predicted.

"Can you believe it?" She asks me.

"Uhm... what does this have to do with me exactly?" I asked.

"Are you crazy??? THE Jonathan Gray has asked someone out? This has got to be crazy news. Not to mention, aren't you both close with all your singing gigs?" She asked curiously while the rest of the girls look at me with interest.

"Me and Gray? Yeah no, we're not exactly as close as you think we are. We keep things professional. As singers."


Oh shut up.

...Do we?

"I bet she is just one of the toys he is playing with yet again." Said a girl in Sofia's group, Lily. Shaking her head on her hand, with her elbows on her crossed leg.

"Bet it won't even last a month of dating." Chuckled the other girl Kiara.

"That is if it is 'dating.' " Sofia said as the group burst out into laughter.

To be fair, I am curious as to who this mysterious girl is. How did she manage to keep the "Jonathan Gray" right into her grasp.

An hour passed by and I finally got out of the gossip-filled classroom to find Marvin with two milk tea's on his hand.

"Figures you needed one after a long day of class." Marvin smiled.

I slumped my shoulders and took the milk tea he handed me with a smile.

"Aww Marvin, you shouldn't have."

"Just being here as much as I could."

*bell ringtones*

Marvin's phone rang.

"Oh I got to go."

"What? But we just got to meet each other."

"Yeah but I kind of promised the boys I would hang out with them tonight so. I will catch up with you later. See ya!"

I stared at him as he slowly disappears unto the corridors of the school grounds.

"Alright catch ya later. Again." I sighed. Taking a sip on my milk tea as I go to the school garden to meet up with my friends.

Flora greeted me with a slap on the back upon my arrival.

"OW! What was that for?" I asked.

"Nah, just how I show my affection darling~" said as she puts her hand around my shoulder and pulls me to the table where the other girls are sitting in.

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