- Chapter 6 -

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Red Flag 6: Bottled Up Emotions

Millie's pov

Sunday came quicker than I had imagined. My family and I go to church everyday around 8 AM in the morning. As usual, I use my voice once again as one of our church's singing leaders.

The only thing ironically stressful about church is the rehearsal before our performance to which we wake up very early for.

We arrived before 8 AM this time which was an achievement for me if I do say so myself. I usually take hours to get ready so that was a first. I went to the church's covered court for a free cup of coffee when I received a sudden scare.


"OH SHI-" I exclaimed covering my mouth from the cussing in front of the crowded and judgemental side eyes of the fellow church people, spilling the coffee I poured myself around my hand whilst getting second degree burns.

It. Burns.

"Oh shoot I-Im so sorry!"

"It's fine. Just a small-" I look up to see Gray himself. Patting his handkerchief around my now burnt hand.

Well that just made all my burns disappear into thin air.

"Gray??? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You don't know? I church here." He answered still trying his best to dry my hand and blowing unto it.

"You know what lets take this to the sink real quick." He said offering to help while taking me to the sink nearest to the covered court and sat near the bleachers to treat my burns.

"So you're saying you have been churching here your whole life."


"And you are also a singing leader."


"And you never bothered to tell me?"

"Yes. Wait what? N-No, I just never thought about telling it to you. Why would I bring that up anyway?" He asks wrapping and tying his handkerchief into a knot around my hand and patting it.

"Because that is awesome and we should have been friends long before?"

"You have your point. Then again, my schedule as a singing leader here is different from yours. You are 10 A.M and I am 7." he said pointing his fingers towards me and him.

"I see. No wonder I never see you around. So where's your family?" I asked.

"I could have sworn they we're here a while ago." He scratches his head while looking for them through the crowd.

Until a familiar voice from behind called out for Gray's name.

"Jonathan, it is time to go- Millie?"

It was Gray's dad looking down on my short buttcheeks. Guess Gray's height does run in the family.

"Oh my Lawd, coach!" I cheerfully said as I hugged Gray's dad and he hugs me back.

Okay context. Gray's father, Coach Johann Daemon, is my vocal coach.

Surprise Surprise.

"Haven't seen you since the last competition. How is you and your family?"

"We are doing great! Just learning to adjust to school again ever since the pandemic happened." I rubbed my arms gently.

"Well just a little heads up, they might choose you again as Dailaria's representative. Me and Gray have been practicing his singing for months now. You should continue your singing practices sooner." He smiles at me. I look at Gray nodding enthusiastically.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do coach."

"Please just call me Tito."

("Tito" Word used to a family member known as uncle or a respectable older closed one)

"Oh alright. Tito Daemon."

I looked at the clock at the center of the covered court only to realize I forgot I have the most blurry eyes in the entire spectrum of my family.

"Uhh, Gray a little help. What does that say?" I asked

"Oh yeah, forgot your blind."

I playfully bumped his shoulder as he says.

"It says 9:34."

"OH THE REHEARSAL!" I grabbed my bag and tightened my grip as I was about to run.

"See you soon tito Daemon! Bye Gray! I have to go." Said myself as I clinged to my backpack and waved them goodbye. I ran from the backstage and threw my stuff on the chair and got onstage for the rehearsal and the performance.

After our singing, the pastor began his sermon and my mother brought me to the backstage.

"Where have you been? Do you have any idea how you could have caused our entire performance into shambles?? You almost missed rehearsals!"

"But I was with-"

"Not another excuse from you. You need to stop having your own world for once in a while. Why do you always have to isolate yourself? Be normal for once." My mother cutting me off.

"Yes mother." I answered plainly as she storms off the backstage.

I took a deep breath and exhaled a deep sigh. Is there anything wrong with me being the most introverted and silent person in this entire planet? There is something seriously wrong with me.

I shook the feeling off, now isn't the time to be crying about mom.

Timeskip to Marvin's birthday, I finished everything I was supposed to give to him. I placed my gifts for him in a cute little red box and topped it with a thick long and yellow bow. As I entered the birthday dinner, my friends were already all there sitting and ready to devour the food in front of them. They gave me a wave as I sit with them waiting for the birthday boy.

We all talked and talked until I hear Marvin's friends make some noise.

"AYE HE'S HERE!" They all went over to him and hyped him up. I giggled and found it a little wholesome. Marvin went beside me.

"Hey babe, how are you?" He asks putting his arms around me.

"I'm good. I have something for you!" I said handing my gift over to him.

"For me?" He asked while opening and untying the bow gently to see the bracelet and letter inside.

"It looks adorable! Thank you." Said him as he takes it out of the box and wears it.

Maybe I do love him afterall.

"I'll read the letter later before I go to bed. Thank you sweetheart." Kissing my forehead and went over to his friends to continue the party. The rest of the party was just all of us being teenagers dancing around, playing random games, and finishing the food on the table. After his birthday celebration, my father drove me a long ride home.

While scrolling through my phone, one notification caught my eye. Gray's birthday was a week before Marvin's. I was so caught up preparing for my boyfriends birthday I totally forgot to do so.

I opened my chat to message him and greet him a belated happy birthday. I set my phone aside and slept from a tiring yet another accomplished time.

Tomorrow's another day.

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