- Chapter 4 -

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Red Flag 4: Hidden Secrets

Millie's pov

"Welcome back sweetheart."

I stopped and turned towards her with my head still looking towards the ground.

"Good evening mom."

Trying to keep my conversations with her as short as possible. Please just let me go in my room.

"So is this Marvin guy still trying to court you? I heard from people he is trying to get your attention or is it that...you already gave it to him?"

I froze.

I kept my relationship with Marvin as lowkey as I possibly could. The last time my mother found out about my sister having a secret affair with her then boyfriends, she made my father do... violent things.

She'll do anything to get what she wants.

As a child who has been on her good shoes since I was a child, I have been doing everything I can not to break her trust.

"He isn't mom. He gave up a long time ago. You would not have to worry about that." I looked straight into her eyes with a look of confidence.

"Very well. Remember, I have eyes everywhere my daughter. Never disobey me. Is that clear?"

I gulped and answered with a firm

"Yes mother."

I went in my room and shut the door behind me with a big sigh of relief. Time to finally distract myself with homework. That way, no one can disturb me from doing so. Not even my mom.

When the morning came, Flora and I sat sat together in the classroom to catch a breath from the long walks we took to get to where we are before our professor arrives comes.

"Why does our classroom have to be on the third floor and the farthest edge of this building?" Flora complained.

"With my heels? This cannot go on." I groaned taking both my shoes off while rubbing my swollen feet.

"So, how is it going for you and your house?" Flora asked.

Knowing that my brother is an unemployed adult, and that my sister repeated a year of her academics due to heartbreaks and boy problems. Mom always thinks of us as a failure to society.

"Let's just say it is going how it usually goes." I said rubbing the nape of my neck.

"Girl this can't go on forever. She is ruining you and your sibling's mental stability."

I can't argue with that. I just have to bear with it just a little longer. No matter how painful my mothers' words get sometimes.

"It's alright Flor. In a few years I'll be college then after that, I could finally be free from her grasp."

I hope.

As soon as the bell rang, my day went exactly how I intended for it to happen. I learned a few lessons, answered quizzes, and did my projects as usual.

The rest of the day went by smoothly when my class got dismissed early due to a bunch of free times and teacher's absences.

I went to the bathroom to give myself a little touch up when Gray's girlfriend passed me to use the toilet in the stall. Once she finished, I smiled at her just to be friendly. She glared and said nothing.

I could be wrong but that was just rude. Or I could be blind. I could barely see anything without my glasses so that was probably it.

I brushed it off and shook my hands from the wetness from washing it and walked back to my class. As I was walking, I passed by a flyer posted at our senior high school bulletin board.


My school's loyalty week always occurs on September. It is basically celebrating the day our school was created for an entire week filled with games, prizes, food stalls, entertainment rooms, and more we can possibly think of. It is afterall, the school's most awaited event every single year.

I should sign up for the volleyball team. I took volleyball classes at grade 7 so I should be able to handle a little bit of ball bump.

I wonder how Gray is doing?

"Hello? Earth to Millie!"

Lyza waved her hand all over my face trying to catch my attention.

"Did you hear what I said or are you this naturally unaware with the occurence around you?"

I scratched my scalp hair from the awkward silence and gave off a nervous giggle.

"So do you guys wanna buy something outside and sit on the chairs beside the covered court while roasting the athletes like how we used to do back then?"
Geniusly changing the subject.

After buying a few street food and drinks, we immediately went to our spot since diapers.

"Can't believe this is our last year as high school students." Rose sighs continuingly sipping on her drink as Flora chows down her kebabs.

"College is like high school. Just more serious and more experiences." Said Lyza shaking her finished drink with just the ice left behind.

"Where do you guys plan going in college?" I asked looking at them staring at the clear blue sky.

"Im going to Baguio City. Some of my relatives are there and the school I am aiming to go for architecture is there as well." Rose answered stabbing her freshly bought dumplings with the tip of her fork.

"Might go to Iloilo City if I could. The university im going in for is quite difficult to please academically." Flora sighed. I placed my arm around her shoulders and shook her off of her misery.

"You'll be alright babe, all your grades are fantastic."

She smiles and took a deep breath as she places our now empty food bowls into a plastic bag for clean up.

As we called it a day and waiting for my father to fetch me. My phone buzzed only for me to see Marvin desperately messaging me on my phone.

"It's about my mother again."

Just a brief context about Marvin. Over the last 2 years he found out about his father cheating while his mother works abroad in Singapore. I have been his one and only rock and shoulder to cry on. Hence why I never left his side ever since.

"What about her?"

"She's crying again, I don't know what to do. My siblings don't know anything about this."

Even if I am his only shoulder to cry on. I can't help but feel like that is all I am to him. I don't even know what to say about his situation. Regardless I just try to support him as much as I can.

Hours later of explaining to Marvin about what he can do. He eventually calmed down and thanked me for being with him through his ups and downs.

Then a notification rang from my phone and I opened it to see a few birthdays coming up.

It was Marvin and Gray's

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