Comfort zone

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These last years I was becoming more and more and more (and infinite times more and more) coward. I STRONGLY believe that these spiritual things had to happen in order to become more brave. Besides, I watched a video with a girl I am helping English with and it was a TED Talk about self-confidence. Here's the link to the video. You can find it above this chapter. 

TIP: Write down all the things you wanna do and set them in a realistic schedule. For instance, I wanna speak my mind to old friends this next month. I wanna be an au pair. I always wanted to be a language assistant, but it's more economically affordable to be an au pair. 

Update: I tried strawberries and broccoli and they did not taste that bad!!

Seriously, once you get out of your comfort zone, you feel more powerful than ever and want to try more and more things. Karmic people will tell you not to step out of your comfort zone, but it is in the magic zone where you learn and discover new things about yourself!

I also followed signs and I got to see my TF some times and even talked to him, because I said "why not?" and followed my signs by mind and heart and my stomach has this intuition, even though I feel manipulated by gypsy people, but I pray and God's the most powerful source, as it comes from love rather than fear. We ought not to be scared, since God or the Universe (whatever you believe in) is within us.

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