Quirks are attention lovers!

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A/N: Sorry for the missing updates the last 2 days... I felt too tired to do them XD but here is one now. Sorry again!

The first thing I noticed when I walked into the room was not the stares I got but the actuall surprise on my desk. For the very first time in who knows how long, was my desk completly empty and clear. Normally I could find stuff written on it or see some quirk usage on it. Once a complete edge was bitten off by someone who had shark teeth or more like a shark mouth as hands quirk and it acted up while they wanted to write or so I heard. Back then I thought they were joking on me and the meaning was something else but now I knew that it was the quirk who actually reacted and tried to protect me. Who knows what it wanted to do.

Me: *sigh*

And now I am back here...

I hope it will be better this time.

At least the quirks don't bother me now.

It would have been quite the situation...

Ah I still feel the chills from back then.

I never really looked at them soo closely.

But come to think of it...

They are not that scary...

Why was I scared of them?

They are not even completlty black when you look closer.

Is it just me or is my quirk slightly changing...

I am pretty sure that they were all black and that they were more like shadow people or made out of smoke. 

I still remember how badly they scared me...

Might really just be me...

Can a quirk even change over time?

Is this possible?

I should ask Specs when I see him again.

If I see him again.

I went to my desk and my place to sit down. No one dared to say anything or basically do anything. I honestly did expect something to happen even if it was Bakugo to just go off screaming at me but it was nothing besides the quirk who were all welcoming and greeting me. There was this conversation that stood out the most.

Explosion: YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!

BatWing: Apologies!

Explosion: For fucking what?

BatWings: You are always doing the wrong thing!

Explosion: I know and it is not my fucking problem but my fucking curse.

BatWings: Still your goddamn problem now do it.

Explosions: You think he will flinch?

BatWings: No and are you not listening to what the other quirks say?

Explosions: I fucking try.


Explosion: I AM ALREADY!

BatWings: *sigh*

Explosions: Why you sighing again.

BatWings: Why are you soo much like your owner?

Explosions: I spent too much time with him. It just fucking rubs off.

BatWings: Shit... I should stop being close to you two then.

Explosion: Ah come on!

BatWings: Not sorry for that.

Explosions: So ahm what you want me to say to master?

BatWings: Just say sorry for burning him.

Explosion: It was an accident! I didn't plan on doing it.

BatWings: You know the outcome as much as me/

Explosion: Yeah... that I was too dumb to take this fucking Pomeranians sweat into account.

BatWings: Just go.


After that scream from another quirk which was sitting in front of them, they all went quiet once again. It didn't take long till I could hear Explosion who was sitting right in front of me. He even turned around and bowed to me. Bakugo on the other hand ignored me like the other in class. I didn't know why they would do it but I was sure I would soon find out the truth behind the peace I felt right now.

Explosions: I am so sorry Master.

Me(whispering): It's okay.

BatWings: He responded! He didn't freak out!

Explosion: Master, you-

???: Master! MASTER! Look at me!

???: No, prace me!

???: Pet me!

???: Please just touche me!

???: I want to be looked by Master as well.

One by one they came at me asking for attention as well as pats and everything else. It was too much for me and at some point I felt dizzy. Was this normal? I don't know but I really didn't feel to good with their voices crashing down on me one by one at the same time. This was definitelly not the best thing that should happen.

In the end I needed to lay my head down on my table.


Thankfully they at least decided to listen to Bakugo's quirk and I also got a bit of silence before the teacher walked in. I could see the two sneak heads which looked at me and nodded in agreement to let me rest for the whole class. No matter what the teacher would do, I was quite sure that these snakes got my back now.

Quirks are Snitches!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt