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Aizawa's POV:

It was a while that I got out of the hospital but by that time the kid was already gone. I still couldn't believe that he was my very own kid and I still had no idea how this happened. However the fact that he was my flesh and blood and that he saved me and is suffering was very clear. 

Me: *sigh*

Mic: You still thinking about him?

How do you expect me not to think about him?

He is my son...

Which I didn't know I had....

And he is suffering!

What you expect from me?

Not only did I basically give up on the kid and let him down but never knew about it as well.

He god damn saved my life knowing that fact as well!

Why didn't he say anything?

Is he scared of me?

Does he hate me or us?

Does he hate me being married to Zashi, another man?

What do I do?

What can I do?

Should I keep him and try to earn his trust and understanding or should I find another hero family and give him up...


I can't give him up!

I let him down for soo long.

Now I will be here for him.

I need to find him first tho...

Me: Yes.

Mic: We will find him. Don't worry.

Me: I know...

We got Nezu and Tsukauchi as well as some other pro-hero friends of us on his tail after all...

Not even a villain could get away from this many eyes.

Especially Nezu's and Tsukauchi's.

I will find him if he decided to stay up on a roof again as well.

Mic: Come on Sho cheer up. I am sure he can manage when he survived this long.

The moment he said survived, I started remembering how I met Izuku in the first place. He was running around and he was looking soo out of place and lost as well. Back then he was out of breath but the way he was running, I was sure that he was running away from something. 

Now thinking back at it... my very first time meeting my son was on a rooftop. He was sitting there and looking down at the people. For me he looked desperate for something and I didn't liked that so I called out to him. Little did I know that I would freak him out this much. Just remembering that told me everything I had to know about how his life went. 

After all he refused looking up at people and would only look down to the ground. It was just recently that he started to stare into the air as if there was something. Quirks were weird so it wouldn't be that uncommon to know that it was his quirks doing but for normal civilian families... it could be a sign of insanity.

Me: *sigh*

I have to find him.

This is gonna kill me...


Me: Izuku...

I was so deep in my thoughts and should have been still in the hospital if not for RG healing me up. Then again I hated being in one and would also run away from it so she had to basically heal me up the best she could. However while I was still lost in my own mind, I heard Zashi shoud while we were returning to our car. He was pointing at a kid with green fluffy hair and a black Aldera Uniform running right across the street a bit down from where we were. 

Today was the first day for Shinso in this new school but this was something I didn't see coming. 

The moment I saw the greenette, I dropped the car keys and dashed towards the kid running away. He was fast and once again, the way he ran was definitely something that got some red flags popping up in my mind. His eyes were closed from what I could tell and he was not looking in front but to the ground as if to avoid his own quirks effect. Something was wrong with him. That much I could tell.



He zoomed out.

He won't hear me now...

I need to catch him!

Of course I screamed his name but the kid didn't react at all. In fact he speed up a bit more and all I could do was follow him as best as I could hoping that the kid would get tired from all the running. Something was wrong after all and I could feel it.

To be honest the feeling I had right now was eating at me from the inside out. It was a mixture of guilt with anger, judgment against myself, hate for the people and myself for letting him down and making him run and so on. It was a terrible feeling and I was sure it would go away when I would get him into my arms.

Quirks are Snitches!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt