We meet again!

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I don't know how long I've been running but at some point I just felt like dying. My stamina was shit but at least I managed to get to an alley where I decided to just lay on the ground and catch my breath. My heart was racing like crazy. I could see some black dots clouding my vision as I ran soo hard that I couldn't catch up breathing. It felt like I was suffocating not getting enough air. At the same time the cool floor kept me awake and sane.

My head felt like bursting since I heard all the quirks calling me in panick. I didn't wanted to see them right now. I just needed a break.

???: You are quite the runner problem child.

I was still on the ground and at some point I just put my hand over my eyes. Like this I couldn't see the person at all but I could hear him perfectly fine. I also remembered the voice. Oh how I've been longing to hear that voice but I also knew not to get my hopes up. This underground hobo hero had a family and I was not part of it.

Erasure: Are you okay Master?

Do I look okay?

I just want some rest!

I don't wanna be the villain.

I don't want to be a trouble maker...


My new family will kill me if they hear that I ran away like this.

I really hope nothing will happen.

Ah I don't want to go back "home" to them.

Me: *sigh*

Aizawa: Why the long sigh?

Me: Nothing much...

Aizawa: Why were you running? Did someone chase you?

Me: No.

Erasure: Was it Explosions?

Me: ...

Erasure: So it was!

The quirks voice echoed in my mind and the headache I felt was not helping it at all. If anything it made me feel even more nauseous than I already felt.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Try to breath in and out slowly Izuku.

What does he thinks I am trying to do?!


I ran because I needed some space and here I have another quirk around me now...

Erasure: Master, you look too pale. Are you alright?

Erasure: Master?

Erasure: Please answere Master.

This quirk went on and on. For some reasons I really felt like throwing up and my head was killing me by now that I couldn't help it and scream at the quirk which may or may not have looked soo wrong to other people.

Me: JUST SHUT UP!... jesus....

Aizawa: ....

My head was just killing me more and I really didn't looked up but when I felt a hand on my neck, I just couldn't stay still anymore and removed my hand to look at my father who looked at me a bit conserned.

Aizawa: Try to calm down... 

Me: I am trying.... your quirk doesn't make it better.

Erasure: Sorry!

Aizawa: *sigh*  I'll pick you up.

Me: I am fine.

Aizawa: You are not.

Me: I am... just... just give me some more times.

Aizawa: Problem chi- Izuku... the speed of your pulse is a bit worrysome and you don't look that good. I am taking you with me.

Me: *sigh* 

I am sooo getting into trouble because of this.

Me: Ahm... can't you just let me be and then walk me back to school?

I am so lost as well...

I really hope he will walk me back to the school because I don't even know where I live right now.

Oh gosh...

What if I end up lost?!

Oh this will be bad.

Aizawa: I am taking you to UA and that's final.

I really wanted to say no to this but there was really not something I could do about it. Either I go or not. Tho I really didn't had much choice because I felt like collapsing any minute and I knew standing up was not possible right now. So I let Aizawa, my very own father pick me up. He then walked back or so I thought until I saw that he was walking towards a car and Mic went out and opened the door so that they put me in.

Mic: Damn, what happened to you little listener?

Voice: What happened to Master?

Erasure: Found him like this.

Voice: We need to ask the others.

Erasure: No. Why not trust Master on this one? He is save.

Voice: But what if something happened? Look at how pale he is!

Erasure: I don't think so. He has no wounds at all.

Voice: BUT WHAT IF! You never know what that Dandelion did to him!

Me: Just feel like collapsing that's all... and sorry to say this but Voice, Erasure shut up. You guys are giving me more headache and I really don't need it right now.

Mic: ... Sho?

Aizawa: We are getting him to RG.

Mic: That's what I wanted to propose.

Just like that, they both didn't say anything at all while I tried my best not to give into the motion sickness I just felt while normally I wouldn't even be motion sick. I just felt horrible for who knows which reason.

Quirks are Snitches!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt