My god...

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Aizawa's POV:

When we got to UA, I looked back to see my son being completly sound asleep. This greenette really didn't look healthy at all and he also looked soo exhausted that it was very worrying. I was to say the least really worried. No matter how I looked at him, every single red flag popped up in my mind. Now that I could really see him up close and paid attention to every single detail, I could see some marks on his skin which he tried to hide with his uniform and the black circles around his eyes. He was still way to think for a child as well.

Me: *sigh*

Mic (whispering): Ama go and inform RG.

Me: Mh.

Just like that Zashi went out of the car first and left me alone with my son. I wanted to say soo many things to him and I wanted to hug him and never let him go but right now that was just a desire. He needed help in the first place before love and that was what I would get him. 

As carefully as I could, I went out of the car trying not to make any sound and opening the car dor and pick my little problem child up to carry him to RG's office. Of course I didn't forget to shut the door of the car and lock it as well. This might be a hero school but the students loved to pull a prank on the teachers.

The first thing I noticed was when I got into the building, he whinced in pain and tried to hide while I was carrying him. Out of instinct, I could see him holding his hands against his ears which told me everything I had to know.

I wish I could erase your quirk.

I am so sorry my little problem son.

I really need to figure something out...

Will quirk surpression work on him?

I don't know but it may be worth trying out.

He really seems to be in pain right now.

I started hurrying down the hallway till I got into the infirmary where I put him down on a bed. 

Me: Quirk surpressions?

RG: Are you crazy?!

Me: He is suffering!


Me: SH!

RG: Did you just shush me?!

Me: The kid.

RG: *sigh* You are lucky there is a kid in need here.

With that she vent over to my little kid and by now he even rolled up in a fetus position holding his ears. This was by far not a good sign and RG definitelly caught on to what I meant with the quirk surpressions. She quickly went over to her desk and took out a syringe as well as a bracelet which she then put on his hand before she injected whatever was inside into his system. After that it took only a couple of seconds before we could see his body relax a bit more.

RG: Alright, explain. 

Me: You tell me. You are the doc here.

RG: Aizawa!

Me: ... * sigh * He is my son. Please take care of him.

RG: Your what now?!

Me: My son.

RG: Adopted?

Me: No real son.

RG: How did that happen?

Me: I still don't know but he does.

RG: Wait... he knows about it and you....

Me: I didn't until he saved my life. You know the rest.

RG: I do since I healed you but I didn't heard about this story before.

Me: *sigh*

RG: Now why did you know about the quirk surpression and that it would help?

Me: His quirk is passive.

RG: And?

Me: He can see quirks.

RG: See them as in persons?

Me: More like shadowish figures from what he told me.

RG: Aha.... 

Me: He talks to them as well.

RG: HOLLY! How?!

Me: I don't know. He can start talking to them any times so don't be surprised. He also mentioned to shut up for mine earlier.... 

RG: So quirk overusage.... I never heard that this would be possible for a passive quirk.

Me: Neither did I but I hoped you can explain this more.

RG: Unfortunatelly I don't and he still looks sick... besides what is this?

The moment he said that, he started pull up his sleeve even more than she had to in order to give him the shot and I hated what I could see but there were scars on his skin. At first the healer only pulled up the sleeve but now after seeing this she pulled out a syringe and gave it the kid before placing him better so he can lay down and then open up his uniform to reveal a shit underneath it were more scars and they were quite old and from the looks of it never got real medical treatment.

RG: My god.... who would do something like this...

This was the question but not even I dared to imagine what the kid went through. 

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