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Julie had told their parents about the feeling of being a boy, and they, like James, didn't believe her. She had been growing distant from everyone and he was fine with that. She can come back when her mind is clear again.

One day, a week after she had told them, she said; "I'm moving out. If you're going to ignore my dysphoria and even tell me I'm wrong I don't want to live with you guys anymore. I'm moving in with Vivian. She understands me and will help me get through this. I'm leaving right after I'm done packing a few things. You can turn my old room into any stupid thing you like since that's all you are."

James was taken aback by this, leaving? It wasn't even that bad! We're just trying to help her realize the truth! She's just a little girl who's confused and nothing else. If she gets confused enough to join the shapeshifters James was going to lose it again.

But she was serious, that night she had left with a large satchel of a few things, clothes, and her armor and weapons.

That's just fine, she'll come crawling back eventually! Once she sees that her family was right all along. James thought bitterly.

The next day he had gone out to train again. He was getting better at archery and he finally got his second short sword, so he was training in dual wielding with Mark. But after Julie had left Mark stopped seeing James, it was like her delusion that she was a boy was coming between them. It shouldn't, James's little sister was just confused and that was none of Mark's business.

So he trained in archery for a few hours, bitter thoughts about Mark and Julie circling his head as he fired the blue and silver arrows. He moved onto his swords after he had some lunch and trained with them on the dummy until it was time to go back home.

His mother and father were worried about Julie and James said; "Good riddance to her, she's in good hands. I met Vivian's parents and younger sisters. She'll be fine. She'll come back when she realizes we know what's best for her."

They just looked at him, they thought for a moment. His father nodded slowly and his mother just stayed looking concerned. After dinner James returned to his room, his thoughts still very bitter about his sister.

That morning he woke to a knock on the door. "Commander Shoorel would like to see you in his office now," a messenger had told James when he opened the door.

He left promptly for his commander's office and came to find the door had been repaired since he last broke it down a week ago. He knocked and Blake opened the door. James saluted him before Blake sat down in the chair James had sat in last time he was here.

James took his seat across from the commander, his commander said; "We are planning another attack. We got word from Silva Regnum that the champion and the two other kids were on shore, they must have found the colony that was there. Tell me how close they are to having every savage tribe united against us."

"One. Kelp refused, so that leaves the Mountain Colony, we will never beat them there, their camp is on top of the cliff and one of the wretched 'uniters' can fly," James said, shaking his head. "They'll be there in about a week, it's too late. They will strike us at the heart."

"We got this news a day or two ago, so they will soon have all of the wretched colonies on their side. We should hold fast at the castle. If they're aiming at the heart we must protect our king at the biggest city. If that falls, we have no choice but to submit to them. I want you there, because you can target the most dangerous people," Commander Schoorel said.

So this is his way of showing my loyalty. Putting me on the front lines against people I know. I'm over those people, I'm willing to fight them. James thought before he said; "Yes sir, Commander Schoorel, sir."

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