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The next afternoon Rock was woken by Gale. It was time to explain themselves to Commander Shade. This was the majority of what they had talked about walking here. What to say, and how this would go.

He took a deep breath and followed Gale to the cave nearest the entrance. Fern and Conifer were waiting for them, and they entered together. There was a person with pale green eyes, silvery blond hair and dark skin. It was a startling contrast to him as he stood awkwardly beside Gale.

Shade spoke first, "Gale, Conifer and Fern. You have broken every law that I and all the past commanders have set. You crossed not one, but two borders. You sought out another shapeshifter colony, and persuaded them to follow a child's fantasy. And persuaded another child to do the same, without his colony knowing. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Rock realized that the commander was treating this like a trial and he swallowed. Gale spoke smoothly, "yes, I broke many rules, crossing borders, being friendly with another colony, bringing children outside the border with me, not telling anyone where we were. But you have forgotten the silence that caused this."

She paused, waiting for her commander to object to any of this. "I brought up my ideas and goals of bringing the shapeshifters together multiple times before. You understood this as mere child curiosity. But I meant it as something to be taken seriously. So I acted on my plans, that you failed to hear me out on. And they are working, as shown by Birch Colony."

She paused again, waiting for their response. Shade spoke, their voice cold like a viper's, "your goals go against everything we've raised you to believe, why would we want that?" Gale's mouth quirked up in a slight smile before she said in the same calm tone, "because we are the generation after you. What we want is just as important as what you want. That is why I am an adult and so is Rock. We have the same ideals, unity. And you still look past Commander Arsenic's promise of peace with the colonies who agree. Even your generation believes me. And the other colonies as shown with her and Rock."

Shade's eyes narrowed and they hissed, "leave, me and Citrus will discuss your points." Gale nodded and did as she was told, still with a smug smile on her face.

They went to the guest cave where Rock was staying. They waited there, not speaking. Rock's mind was whirling. He should have said something.

Gale said it for me, she said everything there was to say. He thought as he waited with anxiety. An hour passed by, all four of them not speaking much at all.

A woman came in and said, "we have made our decision, come with me." They followed her, numb with anticipation. Shade's eyes were still narrowed as they watched them come in.

"We will let you go off again. A message will be sent to Commander Arsenic that we will stop our patrols if she stops hers. We do not want you breaking the one rule you didn't. Stay away from the humans. I'm not getting you killed, I'm letting you persuade the shapeshifters." Gale smiled at them and said, "wise choice, Commander. Permission is much better than running away again. In a few days, me and Rock will be leaving for Reef Colony. Fern and Conifer are going to stay to become adults, and we hope you do not treat them badly while I am gone, for it was my idea to do this and mine alone."

Commander Shade said nothing as they watched them leave. After a few minutes a wildcat came out and stalked its way out of the camp. Rock guessed that it was Shade in their shapeshift. Fern, Conifer and Gale introduced him to their other friends and they played games together for the rest of the afternoon.

Two days later, they were leaving. Rock had struggled sleeping the night before, his worries and excitement keeping him up. But he felt ready now as he made sure his bag was packed with what they needed. Commander Shade was still sour to him, Gale, Fern and Conifer, but what else could they do? They couldn't take back their word or try to stop them.

Gale was awake and ready, a determined look on her face. He followed her out into the clearing where almost everyone was waiting for them. Her parents came forward and embraced her, whispering to her something too soft for him to hear. All of her friends did the same, joking around and holding back tears.

Rock felt a stab of homesickness, that he didn't have anyone here to do that for him. He stepped up with her to Fern and Conifer.

"If you die out there, know that I will personally continue where you left off. This mission is beautiful and I want to see this world whole again. Best of luck, especially with the humans," Fern said sternly, holding back tears as she held them both close. He knew it was targeted at Gale, but he was happy to be included.

"And if you ever need a hand out there, get someone to send a message and I'll come too. I'm glad I was dragged out here, and that my adult life will be in this new world," Conifer said, speaking lower to stop his voice from sounding too sad or cracking. He held them close too, pulling away quickly.

Lastly was Commander Shade and Citrus. The commander was short, "it's been nice to see you back, to know your dream, and to meet you, Rock. Best of luck to you both, may your luck be great."

Citrus said nothing, but smiled warmly. Far warmly than Shade, who had an expressionless face, their green eyes cold as always. Gale answered back, short as well, "and may you care for this colony kindly, and get my messages when new colonies join."

Rock answered after her, "thank you for your hospitality, I hope to see you again after we're finished." The commander just nodded.

They'll warm up eventually. He thought as he followed Gale out. She twisted and went around the camp and started heading east. He knew little of other colonies, since Mountain Colony was so strict with rules and borders.

Rock knew walking there would take a few days, and that he would yearn to just fly there in a few hours. But Gale couldn't go that fast, and they would have to walk. Even after walking to Birch Colony and Oak Colony his legs and feet still weren't that used to walking for so long.

And his sore feet grew tired once again after a few hours of walking. He didn't dare ask for a break, until they stopped for lunch. He and Gale had been debating whether they should stop for lunch everyday.

Gale wanted to keep going from dawn till dusk and eat in the morning and at night, so they could cover more ground. Rock didn't really want to, at least until he got used to walking so much.

"Fine! When we reach Reef Colony we'll stop though, unless someone else wants to join us in walking everywhere, then a week of lunch," she agreed begrudgingly.

They ate before continuing through the thick trees, Rock alert. He still didn't like how restricted his vision was down here in the trees. How the canopy stopped him from clearly seeing the sky.

I'll get used to it, this is the most adventure I've ever had in my life. I can't wait to see how this all plays out. He thought excitedly, speeding up to match Gale's pace.

After a week of walking the smell of salt was strong, one he recognized fondly. He knew they were a few hours away from the shore, and based on how the trees were thinning, they were near the border. And he was right, by sunset they had reached the shore.

Only they weren't alone, a large party of people were here, congratulating a blond-haired girl about their age. Rock felt his skin crawl when a large scarred man turned his dark gaze on them.

This must be Reef Colony.

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