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Lillian and Rock chose to go to the battle at the Sister City, since Gale was at the main battle and they felt the other battle needed some of the Great Uniters. They knew the other battle was starting any minute, as they had decided it would be this morning when the humans made way for the shapeshifters.

Yesterday when they had arrived at the Sister City, they had surprised the entire city. There was screaming as they strode through the forest, and people stumbled around to alert the army. When their army was finally ready, Commander Shoorel was nowhere to be seen. He had left his own home defenseless. Instead there was a woman in brassy armor with two maces of the same material at the head.

Lillian knew it was time and she and Rock stepped forward. Rock was the one who spoke first; "People of the Sister City! We have come with our army to ask for your surrender, or we will take it by force. Whoever was left in charge, step up and declare your decision for this town."

All of their soldiers looked unprepared and the woman stepped forward; "You will never have Soror! We will fight!"

"Very well, the Sister City will fall today" Lillian said cooly, stepping back with Rock. Commander Arsenic, who was the one leading the charge, raised her arm and people started shifting and bringing weapons out.

Rock took to the sky with his brother and Typhoon and the other Mountain Colony members there while Lillian got into position. She was one of the people without a weapon, but she knew this meant Gale and Riptide thought she was capable enough without one.

A little girl with sharn hair stumbled out of the crowd with a man about Lillian's age and another girl. She started shouting; "I come to join you in your fight to change the laws, Uniters. I am Sage and I come for equality of all races, genders and sexualities!"

This took her aback and she stammered; "W- well then get in our ranks, if you attack one of us we'll e- end you right there, you know that right?" The little girl nodded and joined them. She had on her a longsword made of iron, that would be helpful. Lillian heard sobbing and someone being dragged away along with screaming from somewhere. She ignored it.

"Anyone else willing to fight alongside us?" Lillian called out curiously. The man and girl who ran up with Sage raised their hands and pledged themselves to the shapeshifters like she did.

The woman leading the ranks was scowling furiously, but she didn't do anything. When the man and girl, named Mark and Vivian, joined the ranks the woman started swinging her maces by her sides. She shook her head as her soldiers drew their weapons.

And she charged forward with them at her side. The shapeshifters charged too, fierce cries splitting the air from both sides.

Lillian ran forward, she was alert and she would carry this army all night if she had to. Because she knew she could. That was the main reason she had chosen to fight in this city, because she knew they needed her ability, in the capital Gale had the firepower to win the fight, but it could be much more even here. She dodged and wove between people fighting until she found someone to face.

He had a spear, so she would struggle in reaching him. He struck first, he jabbed it at her, she whipped to the side and grabbed the shaft. He expected her to do this and swung it in a wide arc. Lillian held on, trying to use her weight to bend and break it. It bent, but nothing snapped.

Instead it sliced at her leather armor and cut her chest. She let out a scream as the blade met her flesh, the man she was facing smirked.

But he didn't know what to do now, so Lillian dropped his spear and bolted up to him. She kneed him in the stomach before he could think and he dropped his weapon. She didn't bother to stop and break it, but she broke his nose instead.

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