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Excuse the typos 😘😘!

Four years later ...

"Kayla can you please get your clothes off the floor. You know we have the bbq later today, I want my house clean ni' come on" Loretta rushed through the house making sure everything is in place for Nuni's remembrance party. Today marks four years she had been gone and Kayla, ManMan nor Tay were taking her death easy.

Tay brushed it under the rug and didn't want to come to terms with her death. She worked her ass off just so she wouldn't think about it. Tay ended changing her major and went to school for business. She realized that her parents really influenced her by having their own business. She loved seeing them work for themselves and also the amount of money they were bringing in. Tay had a passion for designing her own clothes. Back in high school people loved her jackets and custom pants she'd always design. Tay was the original "IT GIRL" and she was proud of her self for that.

Tay called her business "Nuni's Couture" in remembrance of her best friend. She designed Jackets, Tops, Dresses, Pants and even Jewelry. Tay was slowly becoming a multi millionaire if she kept up the hard work. People was starting to consider Tay's shop luxury because of her quality of her clothes and the fact that she was very professional. She went from 1k on instagrams to 23K within theses four years and she's also been making money off of Instagram too. To say Tay was in her bag was an understatement.

As far as Kayla, she quit doing hair in Nuni's shop only because every-time she would clock in, she would have to pass Nuni's office and she would almost see Nuni sitting at her office as if she was still alive. Kayla had came to terms with her sister's death but she was still in denial at how one minute she was sitting in the living room with her whole family and thirty minutes later her sister passes. As weird as it may sound, Kayla wanted to see her dead sister's body just so she could prove to herself that Nuni is gone. For two in a half years, Kayla's world stoped. She stopped eating, she stopped taking care of a now four year old son— Jermaine and she also stopped talking to Bo as well.

ManMan was already noticing the signs of Jermaine not being properly kept by the on going whining as if he was hungry and the diaper not being changed every time he seen him at Loretta's house. Even though it wasn't his place, ManMan asked Kayla was she even taking care of Jermaine and of course Kayla being the hot head she is, she snapped on him. She felt as if was accusing her of not being a fit mother even though he was implying that she was an unfit mother. Loretta ended up convincing Kayla to give up her rights to ManMan and months later she did.

Now Kayla has been working on herself, slowly but surely.

ManMan is doing better than all of them physically but mentally, I think we could all say that Nuni's death has been a hard pill to swallow. ManMan finally left the streets behind and opened his own strip club. Even though he did put down the streets,  he still let his boys deal out the club but only upstairs in the back. They had their own room to do all of their business in so according to ManMan, there should be no reason they're dealing any where else in the club. The club was the hottest thing popping in Atlanta lately and it was doing phenomenal banking wise.

ManMan ended up moving out his old home because he could still hear her voice all throughout the house. It was fucking with him knowing he couldn't even get revenge for his wife but he knew she wouldn't have wanted that anyways. He figured she would be proud of him though, he has a bigger and better house in the suburbs. His home was a minimalist type of home— the walls were painted black with white pictures of him and Nuni all over the place. The foyer was his favorite part of the house, it had gray marble flooring with a black coffee table against the wall that consists of Jermaine's Pre-K graduation pictures. Above the coffee table was another 12 x 16 picture of nuni but instead it was her maternity picture.

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