On to Other Beginnings?!

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Hi everyone,

Some of you may have noticed that the rest of the book is no longer on here, aside from 9 chapters. That is because I have decided to publish Trust Me, independently, on Amazon.
It would mean a lot to me if anybody who is invested in this and wants to support me, buy the book on Amazon. It is on kindle and paperback for those of you who like to physical copies.

I will be leaving the second book published here since it is not complete. I will finish it, but I will be publishing on Amazon as well. Followed by the third and final book in this series. It has meant so much to see over 11,000 people read and engage with this book. It is also a dream of mine to see this through and I thank every single person who even by just adding it to your reading lists, has been here with me.

Thank you!


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