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While walking back to my apartement, I couldn't help but thinking about mystery guy again. I wonder if I'll see him again soon. Now that I think about it, I've never seen him around campus. Maybe he just transferred.

I was halfway to my apartment when it started getting dark. Crap, why didn't I bring my jacket. And why is it so quiet? It's never this quiet in this area. Maybe I need to start driving my car more. I had a car but since everything is so close, I only used it to go grocery shopping and to run errands.

I picked up my pace after I heard footsteps behind me. Who the fuck is behind me. Calm down, Sev it's probably just someone going home like you. The footsteps got quicker and so did mine.

"Hey slow down stranger. I don't bite."

I recognize that voice.

"You still not gone give me your name, beautiful?"


I pretended like I wasn't listening and continued to speed walk, but he caught up to me and grabbed me by my arm.

"Hey, hey I am talking to you." He stated raising his voice. "Why are you playing so hard to get huh? All last week I tried talking to you and you kept ignoring me. I don't like being ignored" Cristopher gripped my arm tighter.

"First of all, let me go psycho! Second, you should have gotten the hint by now that I don't want to talk to you. Third, if you don't leave me alone, I'm going to report you." I snarled as I snatched my arm out of his grasp and turned to leave.

"Ah ah ah," he said while grabbing my arm again with equal force as the last time. "Now I don't know who you think you're fooling with this feisty attitude, but I am not the one. You and I are going to have some fun and you're going to enjoy it. Believe that." He tried kissing me.

Was the fool serious right now? He's really going to try and rape me out here in the open?! Oh right, it's empty as shit and dark as shit.

"Hey, you know what? I'll give you my name, but you have to let me go." I said in a somewhat pleading tone.

"Nah, I don't care for your name now. And where is your feisty attitude now huh?" He asked mocking me and then proceeded to try and tongue me down.

I squirmed in his arms because no matter how much force I put into getting off his grasp, he was stonger. It was as if he knew I was going to scream because he then put his nasty hand over my mouth and was breathing next to my ear. I squirmed more because he had the worst breath I have ever smelled. With his other hand, he slipped it inside my shirt and began to touch me. I fought hard and was able to get free and I started running. Somehow he caught up and grabbed me by my hair.

"Where the fuck you think you going, bitch!" He spat.

I felt something sharp on my side and I realized he had a knife. No no no.

"I didn't want to use this but you leave me no choice. Now you will cooperate or I will use Sandy here." he said referring to the knife. "I know you don't want me to ruin such a beautiful face, right?"

I shook my head.

"Good girl." Cristopher smirked.

He walked me a couple feet to where the school's main park began and hid me behind a huge tree. He made me lay down all while holding the knife close to my face. This cannot be happening to me. I had to fight. After he was done laying me down he put the knife next to him and straddled me. he began to unbutton my pants.

"Wait! Please don't do this!" I pleaded in full blown tears. "Please, I'll give you my name! I'll go out with you but please don't rape me!" I started getting louder in hope of someone hearing me.

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP." Cristopher gritted.

"PLEASE! HELP!" I screamed.

"SHUT UP!!!" He grabbed his knife.

I closed my eyes...

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