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Carter remembered who Seven was the moment he saw her sitting by the tree crying. He hadn't noticed how beautiful she was when he saw her in Kelly's office because he was so angry. Carter could sense that there was something wrong with Seven because she had been crying really hard. He obviously wasn't going to push her to tell him what was wrong because she didn't know him.

When he dropped her off at her apartment, he realized that he only lived two apartment buildings down. Why haven't I ever seen her before?

Walking towards his apartment building, he spotted Katherine, some thirsty ass girl that all his friends had had a run in with.

"Hey, Carter." She purred.

With a simple head nod, Carter kept it pushing and went inside. Once inside his apartment, he took his shoes off and once in his room, fell face first on his bed. Tired from all the bullshit of the day, he wanted to take a nap. While he was drifting off, his phone started vibrating inside his pocket. Who the fuck?


"Wassup." was all Carter said. It was late and he didn't feel like dealing with her.

"Don't wassup me. My assistant told me you came by today. What did I tell you about coming to my office.? You only come to me when I tell you to come and you know it's never to my office. Plus-"

Carter cut her off. "Man, I don't need dis shit right na. I was callin' ya all mornin'. Don't answer my calls, and you're gonna get a vist from me. Na, I've been patient witcha cause ya told me ya were gonna fix dis shit."

"I know what I said. I also know that I told you that you no longer qualify for financial aid, so if you want to keep getting help you are going to have to do me some favors." Kelly threatened with a sensual yet hard tone.

"Nah, you didn't say dis shit was gone keep happenin. I gave ya a good fuck and das it. The fuck more ya want from me huh?!" Carter yelled.

"Don't talk to me like that! It's very simple. If you want to be able to keep getting aid for your school to be able to graduate, then you will keep giving me good fucks." She mocked.

Dis bitch is fuckin crazy

"Kelly, answer me dis. You gotta man?" Carter wondered.

"That doesn't concern you. What concerns you is being at my disposal any time that I need you. It's either that or you will have to drop out of college. How else are you going to pay the 36,000 dollar tuition of the school? And I know that dropping out is not an option. Am I wrong?"

Not being able to take any more of her bullshit, Carter hung up on Kelly.

"FUCK!!" He threw his phone across the room where it shattered on a wall.

Who would have thought that after a smooth sailing three years in college, Carter was going to have to deal with a cougar threatening him. Shortly before starting his last year in college, Carter recieved an email from the financial aid office in his school, University of California, Irvine. The email informed him that he no longer qualified for financial aid and that he was going to have to pay out of pocket for his last year. Extremely upset, that same day Carter drove from his parents house in Calabasas to Irvine to talk to someone from the office. That day he met Kelly and she was mesmorized the instant he sat down in front of her. She made her advance and told him that she could figure something out but Carter would have to go have a drink with her.

Carter realized that she was coming on to him and thought that maybe if he slept with her, Kelly could help him resolve his issues. His only other option was asking his parents for money. However, that was not an option he even considered because he had never asked his parents for a dime since he started college. Carter was very proud and he was not about to lose his pride over a mess that could easily be fixed.

Now Carter lays on his bed fuming because he is realizing that something he thought was a quick fix, turned into a full on nightmare.

What am I going to do now.


In Seven's mind it was a no-brainer to report Cristopher for what he did. The only thing stopping her was knowing that he threatened her and that she could easily bump into him while in school. Maybe I can transfer. No, she had one year left and she was not going to throw everything away for a coward.

The first thing Seven did when she got home was take off all her clothes and get in the steaming shower to try and wash Cristopher's putrefying smell off her body. She was in the shower for an hour curled like a ball and crying. She was so angry at the thought of someone being so evil. At the same time, Seven was terrified at the thought of seeing him again and the same thing happening.

After almost two hours in the shower and endless scrubbing, Seven found the strength to get up and get out. She sluggishly walked to her closet and took out her pajamas. She knew she was strong and could move past this. But how long will it take.


Seven began throwing everything around her like a mad woman. Except she wasn't a mad woman. She was a young, beautiful girl who had just gotten stripped of her dignity.

Seven broke the floor length mirror by throwing her bed side lamp at it. She couldn't stand to look at herself in the mirror because all she could see was Cristopher's filthy hands touching her. After making a complete mess in her room, Seven walked over to her bed and collapsed onto it.

She wept and wept until eventually drifting off to sleep.

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