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One month later

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One month later

"Girrrllll why didn't you tell me he was this fine?!" Nadia asked me shocked.

"I told you he was cute." I replied innocently.

My best friends Nadia and Erick were visiting me today. Since it was Friday and I didn't have to work today because Kelly didn't need me, they were going to stay the weekend.

"Is he gay? Cause he is fine as fuck." Erick butted in.

Erick was my best friend since elementary and if you saw him on the street, you would not know he was gay at all

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Erick was my best friend since elementary and if you saw him on the street, you would not know he was gay at all. He was tall, muscular and really cute.

I had showed them a picture of Carter on my phone and they were freaking out cause I had understated how fine he actually was when I talked to them about him.

"Please tell me ya'll fucked. Cause if you didn't then there really is something up with you." Nadia exclaimed.

" Nadia exclaimed

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"Okay guys stop. We are not having sex. He and I are just friends please."

After the night that Carter came over to help me with my work, we actually became really cool with each other and we would talk often outside of class and studying. I knew that he liked me more than a friend and if I'm completely honest, I think I like him a little too. That doesn't take away from the fact that I was scared for what would happen if we took a step further. That's why I would remind him-often-that we were just friends and nothing would ever happen.

A flash of worry took over Erick's face. "Sev, from what you told me, he likes you more than friends and I'll be damned if you let some fuck nigga rob you of the possibility of being happy. I get that what happened to you is still fresh. AND I'm still mad at you for not telling the authorities, but you need some happiness in your life." He leaned over hugging me.

After a lot of persuasion and many long hours on the phone, I finally told Erick and Nadia about what happened with Cristopher. They were so angry that the same night they met up and drove to Irvine. They have been there for me throughout everything and I was so appreciative to have friends like them.

I had tears in my eyes. "I can't do this. I cannot let Carter get close to me and then have him hurt  me. Everytime I close my eyes, I see Cristopher and I relive what he did to me."

Nadia sighed. "But Carter isn't Cristopher. Cristopher was a stranger. Carter knows you and he genuinely cares about you. You knew of Cristopher for over a week when he did what he did. You can't allow what a coward did to ruin your life. Have you told Carter about what happened to you?"

"Absolutely not! He would look at me differently I know it. He's going to think that I'm weak for allowing Cristopher to do what he did." I was crying by now.

"Girl, you're going to ruin your makeup. Stop crying." Erick reached giving me a tissue. "Plus Carter's not going to see you as this broken girl. He's going to think that you're strong because you survived. That dickhead had a knife to you, bitch! Get it the fuck together, Seven! I hate to see you like this."

I knew they worried for me. And when they told me things like this, I didn't get upset because I knew they meant well. They were my family. My parents had died when I was six and I only had Erick and Nadia. They were my rock.

"Okay enough of this sadness. We bout to go turn all the way up bitch, so get your shits and let's bounce." Nadia said getting up and grabbing her purse.

Tonight we were going to a party outside of the college. We hated frat parties, so when I got invited to this one, it was refreshing.

I grabbed my lipstick, purse and jacket. Erick got his jacket and phone and we were out the door.

It was week six of classes in fall so it was getting colder since it was November already.

When we got to the party, you could tell it was going to be good. It was in a really big two story house and the music was just my taste. There were people chilling out in the frontyard and people dancing inside. Everyone was dressed good and from what I could telll, there weren't sloppy drunk people. Just my type of party.

"Giiirll this party is lit!" Nadia said as we were making our way in.

Both Nadia and Erick got drinks right away and were making their way to the dance floor leaving me by myself. This was the first time that I went out since the incident and I was a bit paranoid. I took a deep breath and walked towards the bar that was set up. I sat down in one of the chairs and was sipping my drink. I was just vibing to the Drake and Future song they were playing, slowly relaxing.

After my second drink, I decided to get up and join my friends. As I was making my way to the dance floor, I looked to the corner of the room and I could've sworn I saw Cristopher. Since that night, I hadn't bumped into him at all and I was even starting to think that he had dropped out or something.

I had to do a double take and when I looked back to the corner, he wasn't there. My mind is probably playing tricks on me.

I approached Erick and Nadia and started dancing. It honestly felt so good to be able to feel like myself again. The happy me. The wild and care free Seven.

After about an hour we were all tired and thirsty, so we decided to sit and have some more drinks.

Erick was cheesing so hard staring at me like a creep.

"What?" I asked him, creeped out.

"Nothing, bitch I'm just happy that you're out of that dungeon you call apartement and having fun. Besides class and work, you never leave your house. And before you say anything, I know why." He said smiling.

I smiled. "Yeah, me too." I was going to say something else but Erick was looking at something behind me.

"Isn't that..." I turned around and spotted Carter walking towards us. "Carter... Bitch he's coming over here!" Erick loud ass let the whole room know.

 Bitch he's coming over here!" Erick loud ass let the whole room know

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"Shut up, dumbass!" Nadia pinched him on the side.

By this time Carter had walked up to us and heard everything Erick had said.

"Hey, Seven."

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