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I still felt bad about how I left things with Carter. I don't even know why since I don't really know him and neither does he know me. I'm pretty sure if he knew what happened to me, he wouldn't even want to be my friend. Or he probably just wants to fuck like most guys in college.

I dropped the class that I had with him because I didn't want any chance of seeing him. It hurt me because I really liked the class. Now I'm going to start another class that was a requirement for the school of Social Ecology that I was going to take the next quarter.

I would start tomorrow and hopefully I would be able to catch up easily since it still is only the second week of school.

I took the morning after pill and I had even gone to the clinic and got a physical as well as tested for any infections and STD's. I couldn't risk catching something from him and I just wanted to move on. I made the decision to not tell anyone and just pretend as if nothing happened.

With it being so fresh, I was still having nightmares. Nightmares that went on the whole night and I would wake up in a pool of sweat with how much I would struggle in the dreams.

I still questioned God as to why he would allow something like this to happen to me and honestly I don't think that it would ever leave my mind.



"Ahh fuck, right there baby

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"Ahh fuck, right there baby." Kelly moaned as I was fucking her through the back.

I couldn't believe I was fuckin this old cougar ta get my financial aid money, but fuck it, I had ta do anythin ta be able ta graduate.

I wasn't really into fucking Kelly and she didn't even notice. My mind kept going back ta Seven and how I snapped on her. Honestly she deserved it. I was only tryna be nice ta her, it's not like I asked her ta fuck.

I had ta admit that Seven was bomb as fuck, but there was somethin about ha that intrigued me more than her physical looks. I wasn't really the type'a guy to be fuckin left and right even though I did have a bunch of chicks that wanted to hop on my dick.

"Ooooh baby yesss I'm going to cum! Oh right there! Fuck, keep fucking me Carter." Kelly moaned loudly and caused me to snap out my thoughts.

As soon as we were done, I put ma clothes on and dipped. Kelly old ass told me she would have ma direct deposit ready tomorrow and it made me glad that she had kept ha word.

I was walking towards ma apartment and I caught a glimpse of Seven goin into ha building. She still hadn't noticed that I lived so close to ha and I didn't really care.

I went into my apartment and took a shower to get Kelly's smell off me and then I called it a night.

Next day, Wednesday.

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