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I've always heard from rape victims that everything happened very fast when they were being attacked. The victim closes their eyes and waits for it to finish with only survival in their mind. In my case, everything went by so slow. Every touch was being registered in my brain. When Cristopher straddled me and put the knife on my side, I thought that it was over. I was going to die. Instead, he continued undoing my jeans with one hand while the other was occupied with the knife-that he called Sandy. 

The only thing on my mind was why me?  Was he seriously so offended when I didn't acknowledge him to the point of abusing me at knife point? What was going to happen next? Had someone walked by and heard but left once they saw what was happening?

After he was done with the button of my jeans, he pushed them down and started touching me through my panties. Why did I decide to wear my nice ones today. It was stupid thinking about that when I was literally about to get raped, but I couldn't help it. Cristopher took his dick out and started stroking himself while watching me. Initially I had been crying, but at this point there was no use anymore. I was not going to allow him to see me weak and broken.

After he became erect, he pulled my panties to the side and with no warning or hesitation, he entered me; no protection. I wasn't a virgin and I had had unprotected sex before, but I had never felt so dirty in my life, so low.

No sound escaped my mouth, no matter how hard he was going and how much pain I felt.

I waited.

I just hoped and prayed that he didn't finish inside me.

Even though it was dark, I could still see his face changing when he was almost finished and I could have sworn he was going to cum inside me. What he did was worse. He removed himself from inside me, straddled my torso and came on my face. When I realized what he was doing, I tried to move my head only to be viciously grabbed by his disgusting hands and held in place. I almost threw up.

I was just glad it was over.

Cristopher put his dick away and grabbed me by my hair and threatened me some more about keeping my mouth shut.

He got up and walked away.

He left me there. My jeans around my ancles. My panties on the side.


I laid there for about a minute when I realized I was laying on the grass half naked. I quickly got up and pulled my jeans up. Instead of leaving, I slid down the tree that had been an accomplice to my violation and cried. I cried so hard that my whole body shook. Crying so hard that I didn't hear a person come up to me. I pulled my shirt up and wiped my face of any remenants of him.

"You okay?"

Startled, I looked up to see the person who walked through the park twenty minutes too late.

Stranger from Kelly's office.

"Y-eah. I-I'm fine." I said struggling through my tears.

"You don't look okay, lady. Why you crying in the park at night? Das creepy as fuck."

I chuckled. I could still laugh?

"I just had a very tough day and I didn't quite make it to my apartment." I tried getting up only to stumble over.

"You not fine. Let me help you." Stanger tried holding my arm.

"NO! I don't need your help! I'M FINE!" I got up this time holding on to the tree. The tree that I will never be able to look at again.

"Fine. Alright. You could get up on ya own, but I'm not leaving you by yaself. So don't even say shit. I will walk behind you if necessary. What the fuck I look like leaving you out here by yaself?" He was getting irritated.

"Okay." I said intimidated. I grabbed my bag and began walking towards my apartment. But it was so hard to walk. "Actually do you mind if I lean on you? I'm just really tired."

"Yeah man, come on."


We walked without saying anything except the usual direction of where my apartment was. That is until stranger asked me something that I had no idea how to answer.

"Yo, what happened to you? I know you said you had a tough day but you look and smell like shit."

No, I smelled like sex.

Dirty, unconsented sex.

Luckily we had gotten to my apartment so I evaded his question.

"This is me. Uh thanks for walking with me. Bye." I turned to go into the complex.

"Wait lady, that's it? You not gone give me yo name?"

My name. I never give people my name. It should have been easy to not give him my name and leave, but considering where that had left me the last time, I was shook.

"Sseven." I struggled.

"Seven? Coo, I'm Eight." He said teasing me.

"That's not even remotely funny! My name is actually Seven, jerk."

"Aight, aight damn lil feisty. I'm Carter."

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