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I gotta admit dat Seven's text really caught me off guard. I mean she was so hesitant ta give me ha numba' yet she da first one ta text me.

I called ha when I saw ha text and she said she needed help on'a assignments dat she was behind on. I was tryna explain ta ha what to do, but it was real difficult to get da point across when I couldn't see ha paper.

"Aye, lady what about if I go ova ta yo house so I'a could see dem papers?" I asked her.

"Oh no that's alright. You can just explain to me, I'm understanding just fine." Seven replied nervously.

I rolled mah eyes. "Nah, das not workin for me. I'm gettin all confused cause I'on know what da fuck I'm tellin ya. Ain't gon be no funny business. I ca' guarantee dat. Just trust me."

"No, Carter. It's easier said than done. I don't know you, you could be a serial killer for all I know." She said with a scared tone.

"Ya really think if I was a serial killa, I wouldn't killed ya when I saw yo ass sittin' by dat tree?"


"Yeah, I thought so. Look, I'a go see ya work, let chu know what chu need ta do and then I'a bounce." I stated trying to convince her.

"Fine..." Seven hesitated. "But please Carter, please don't try anything with me." She pleaded with her voice shaking.

"Aight, shawty. See ya in a few."


Less than ten minutes later, Carter arrived at Seven's apartment which led her to think he had driven when in reality he was almost her neighbor.

Carter tried his best to explain everything to Seven considering that the class was barely into week two and he was having problems with some things too.

Seven was very standoffish at first and after Carter expressed that he wasn't trying to do more than just help her, she began to feel more comfortable and relaxed.

It was getting pretty late considering Seven had texted Carter at 5:40 pm and they had been on the phone for about thirty minutes.

Without wanting to admit it, Seven began seeing a very good side of Carter. He was very smart and very funny as well. She was slowly beginning to feel bad for judging him based on his appearance. It wasn't everyday that she met a super intelligent guy with a shit load of tattoos considering that her school was filled with Asians and whites. On the same route of feeling bad for judging him, Seven took the time to really look at Carter and she had to admit that he was extremely good looking. He had a cute little dimple that would pop out when he would smile and his teeth were incredibly straight and white.

She must have been saring at him for a while because Carter looked up and saw her almost in a trance staring directly at him but almost staring through him. Carter could tell there was something different about Seven that he couldn't pin point. She was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, but since he saw her that night by the park she looked like she was missing a light in her eyes.

Carter wanted to ask Seven if there was something he could do to help her with whatever she was going through because it was obvious she was hurting. However, it wasn't his place to ask someone he just met something that he wasn't sure of.

Now it was his turn to really look at her because she was so far gone and distracted, Seven had no idea he was staring at her. Carter thought her long, dark hair went great with her face and complexion and her eyes were mesmerizing. He didn't even want to glance at her body because he would lose his mind. Her curves were dangerous.


I felt my mind go into a dark place as I was looking at Carter

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I felt my mind go into a dark place as I was looking at Carter. He was being so nice and funny, but I couldn't help and see Cristopher in my head. Carter seemed nothing like him, but looks could be deceiving. I didn't peg Cristopher for a rapist, yet he did it to me. I feel like my mind is all backwards and even though I look at Carter, and he's right here smiling at me being so patient with me, I'm scared. I'm so afraid to trust.

"Uhh it's getting late, Carter. Maybe you should leave." I looked up at him.

"Ya sho'? I ca' stay hea till ya get it. It ain't much left." Carter replied.

"I'm sure. Plus I'm sure you have other things to do do that are more fun than sitting here teaching me about the jury and the courts." I said with a slight smirk.

"Nah. Plus is Wednesday. Da fuck I'm gon be out when I got a shit load of homework dat I need ta do?" He said serious.

Well then, he's not the typical party go-er college student.

I raised my eyebrow. "So you don't like to party?" I asked intrigued. Baby steps to let this guard down.

"I ain't said allat. But ta be honest, nah dat ain't mah thing. I do like ta party once in a while for da stress relief, but most of da time it's da same shit. Guys chasing pussy and bitches givin' it away." Carter said with a disgusted look.

"Yeah that's true. I only like to party when my friends come visit me. And we don't go to the STD infested frat parties either."

Carter chuckled. "Facts." He looked around the living room. "Aight, shawty I'm bout'a bounce." He scratched his head. "Check dis. I ain't a bad guy and I ain't tryna hurt cha'. Nah before you say anythin, I would like ta be ya friend. We gon be seein each otha' a lot and ya can't keep actin all distant. You'll learn ta open up ta me. I get it if ya don't jump right into it, But I'a be right'chea for whateva' ya need. Ya heard me?"

I was silent for the longest time. I didn't know what to say. And how did he know there was something bothering me? Before a couple days ago, I would have jumped at the chance of talking to Carter. I would have already called Nadia and Erick-my gay best friend-and told them about him and how cute he is. I need to really think about allowing myself to go down this path with Carter because I do want to be his friend, lord knows I do.

But if a complete stranger can take advantage of me, so can someone that I trust. You just don't know with people these days and I have learned that I can't have my guard down for nothing anymore. So what do I respond to a guy that has the potential to be a really good friend to me when all I could think about and see in my head is a disgusting piece of shit that ripped a piece of my self and threw it in the nearest trash?

"So what da ya say? Friends?" Carter extended his hand to me.

My hands involuntarily began to sweat when I saw his arm come out to me. What do I say? Do I take the chance to be vulnerable? Do I leave him hanging?

"Ya gon leave me hangin', shawty?" Arm still stood fully extended.

I took a deep breath and extended my arm to meet his.


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