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I feel like the story is moving a bit slow, but I wanted it to be like this first because of the drama that I wanted to establish. With that said, please bare with me as I figure this thing out.

Thanks, enjoy:)

Thanks, enjoy:)

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After what happened, Seven just wanted to sleep. She wanted to stay in bed forever and wither away. However, she knew that the first thing she had to do was go to the pharmacy and get a Plan B pill. Even though she knew that Cristopher had not finished inside of her, Seven still felt uneasy and she wanted to be cautious.

Seven stirred in her sleep having the fourth nightmare about the incident. Her phone started ringing and she reluctantly reached over to her nightstand. With her eyes still closed, she answered.

"Hey girl!! What are you doing? You asleep? It's one in the afternoon, bitch." A very chipper Nadia sang over the phone.

Finally opening her eyes, Seven was instantly annoyed at how happy her best friend seemed over the phone. "Nothing, I was taking a nap. Why?" She lied.

"Bitch, you know I was supposed to go down there last weekend, but I got really busy with school and work. So I thought I could drive down today and we could have a little girls day." Nadia replied with the same cheery tone.

"Uh I can't today. Sorry Nadia. I have a lot of shit to do for my classes. Plus, my boss wants me to come in today as well." Seven lied once again since she had no class on Tuesdays and Kelly had not called her in.

Irritated, Nadia responded. "Last time I checked, you don't have class on Tuesday. I was there when you picked your classes remember? AND you told me you only worked Mondays and Fridays as well. What's going on, girl? You don't want to hang?"

Seven could sense Nadia rolling her eyes. "No, come on don't be like that. I'm just really busy. Not everything is about you, Nadia." She said a bit harshly.

"Girl, say no more. It's still early to be arguing witcho ass. I wanted today to be about us since I haven't seen you all summer." Nadia said sounding a bit disappointed.

This had been the first summer that Seven and Nadia didn't hang out together in the summer because Nadia had traveled abroad with her family.

"I know and I want to see you too. There's just a lot going on right now. The year just started and I'm still getting used to this job thing." Seven half lied.

"Alright then call me whenever. Bye." Nadia hung up.

Frustrated, Seven put her phone down and fell back on the bed.

First order of business would be to clean up the mess in her apartment and then Seven would go to the pharmacy for her pill. She could always go to the school clinic and get it for free, but she didn't want anyone to ask her any questions.

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