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1 week later

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1 week later

"Fuck! I overslept!" I rushed to get up and get ready to start my new job at the Registrar Office. I was supposed to take a twenty minute nap after my last class that turned into forty-five minutes. Now I only have fifteen minutes to get ready. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I wish I would've put some concealer on at least since my under eye bags were killer, but I had to walk a good distance to the office so I didn't have time. I got dressed, got my needed paperwork and was out the door.

"Hey, Seven! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" One of my noisy ass neighbors asked.

"Work. Bye." I sped off. Shit, that was a bit rude. Ugh I don't care! I have to get there in the next ten minutes.


"Hi. I'm here to see Kelly. I'm her new assistant." I asked the secretary after getting there five minutes late.

"Yes, she's waiting for you now."

"Okay, thank you."

"Seven, I was waiting for you." Kelly gave me a stank eye.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. My class ran late." I lied to her. Couldn't tell her I was getting my beauty sleep.

"It's fine, whatever." She rolled her eyes.


"Okay so since you were late, I can't stay to show you what to do because I have a meeting. Sit there. Basically answer the phone and take any messages. Tell everyone that I am in a very important meeting. I will be back in maybe an hour and a half. You are not to leave until I return understood?" Kelly explained annoyed.

I can already tell this fucking lady is going to be such a pain in my ass, but the jobs looks good on my resume so I'll just have to suck up her stupid attitude.

"Okay that sounds easy enough. Again, I am so sorry for being late." I told her honestly remorseful.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again and you won't get fired." Kelly spat and left after grabbing her case and laptop.

For it being the second week of school, I was expecting way more calls than the three that I had received in the last hour. Kelly worked for the financial department so I was expecting many students calling about money stuff. I was beginning to get super bored and thirsty. I don't think anyone is going to call any time soon. Maybe I can slip away and get me a drink from Starbucks since it's so close. Fuck it. I stood up and grabbed my phone and wallet. Just as I was about to open the door, a tall, skinny caramel guy with tattoos opened the door with a scowl on his face.

"Kelly, what the fuck-" He stopped and looked down at me.

"I'm sorry, Kelly is not in right now, she's in a meeting." I spoke lowly.

"Oh, my bad. Uh tell her that... Never mind." He walked out.

Holy fuck he was so fine. What was I doing? Oh right my coffee. I don't want to go anymore. I wonder why Mr. Scowl was so mad at Kelly.

The next two hours went by sooo slow. Where the fuck is this bitch at?! I need to get my ass home and do my homework. I glanced at the clock and it read 6:59. I was supposed to leave at five. Kelly said not to leave, but I was not about to wait for her ass after they close. I give her thirty minutes. Some way, some how, my mind drifted off to the guy that came in here earlier. I couldn't get his face out of my head. I don't know if it was his face, or his tattoos, or how hot he looked being so angry. What ever it was, all I know is that he was so blessed.

"Seven!" Kelly snapped her fingers in my face. "Wake up, what are you in here daydreaming about when you should be working?!"

"I'm sorry, Kelly. Uh you have seven messages from students asking about their delayed cal grant." I responded.

She didn't even apologize for being late!

"Ugh, why can't they just wait. Always so damn impatient." Kelly spoke to herself.

Bitch, people want they money, the fuck you mean!

"Alright, I'll handle that. Anything else? Did anyone come to the office?"

Should I tell her about cutie?

"Uh yeah. Some guy came in here looking for you."

"Okay? Well did he give you his name?" Kelly asked annoyed.

"No, he was very upset though. He was African American and had tattoos all over his arms. It sounded like he knew you." I said curiously.

As soon as I said tattoos, Kelly got very serious. She totally knows who he is.

"Yeah? Okay, well you can leave now. Don't be late tomorrow!" She dismissed me while sitting in front of her desk.

"I won't. See you tomorrow." I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

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