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"Do you want me to bring you some food or?" He asks just as we stop by my room door. We're both completely drenched, his hair has undeniably turned a dark coal black and you'd be a blind fool to say he didn't look godly right now.

"Uhh no I'm good" I can't even talk right now, this isn't exactly as easy as I hoped it would be. Especially not when he's this close.

He smiles knowing exactly why I'm avoiding my eyes from his own "alright then"

I smile briefly before letting go of a breath I've seen to have kidnapped "goodnight" my fingers just manage to touch the cold handle of the door before his voice pulled me back faster than I could think.

"Wait- just, wait a second"

I turn around meeting his hungry gaze, the want for something practically dripping from every inch of him and I won't lie and say I'm not begging for him to just do something, anything, because standing here is burning my skin with the wait. His chest rises and falls fast, like the thoughts in his head are running too fast for his breath to catch up with, his eyes glance over mine finding my lips instantly and I seem to have met him in the heavy breathing department because it feels like I've just ran for hours.

He steps forward, towering over me only for my back to hit my door as I step back. We stand there, stuck for a moment making sure to savour this feeling, this uncontrollable desire, even if we're both confused on what this actually is. He leans down and once again I'm trapped by him and his drowning gaze. I trail my pathetic eyes over his shoulders admiring him all over again, I say pathetic because I'm weak, when it comes to him I'm simply weak. The last place I look makes my heart jump all the beats it needs to survive. He lowers himself, close enough for me to feel his hair on my forehead, close enough to feel the heat radiate of him and onto me. I look up and his jaw flexes, his eyes glance at my lips and I can't help but part them to take in an actual breath of air but it's useless, it's useless because he only comes closer brushing his own ever so softly over my own that it felt like the richest silk being paraded right in front of me, just tempting me to give in and buy it already.

Start song now ^^^

He kisses me and I just stand there fighting to survive this blissful feeling that comes with it, he pulls back, still touching my lips with his, I can't stop my body from moving back in. He smiles against me and I shudder altogether, I'm kissing him, I'm kissing Nicholas. My legs want to give in, they're begging me to sit down and fix the overwhelming lightness in my head only trouble is, fixing both those issues requires a particulars someone's lips to be far far away from me. Yet my lips run away any space that comes between us.

"Please-" I gasp for air as he moves down my burning neck.

"Please what-" he breaths in planting wet kisses all across my chest "please more? Please less?"

More more more-

"Less, definit- definitely-I-" I can't speak, not when his hands are trailing their way up my bare thigh, he lifts me up scaring the absolute shit out of me. I look down as he holds me, watching as his pink lips begin to turn a light shade of red, my thumb rolls over them as they part with a lose breath following after his rising chest. I smile finding those eyes of his as they become a dark soft green that seem to be eating me up without a drop of humanity.

"I'm going to stop" he says pushing me up against the door.

"That would be ideal"

"I just- 5 more minutes?" 

"Nicholas we both know we won't actually last for that long"

"Well I don't know about you but I for one can actually control myself" he smirks and I smile chuckling at the stupidest thing he's ever said in his life.

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