Oh boy

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**Little blood at the top**


"You need stitches" I sigh turning his head a little bit higher so that the dim light could finally serve some purpose but even so it's clear I'm right.

"Have you ever stitched anyone before?"

I pause "you want me to fix you up?"

"There's no one here that I'd actually trust enough to put a whole needle near my brain so yes, you"

I can tell what Max has just said hurt Nicholas, even if he won't ever admit it, I know, I can see it. I also know Max said that on purpose and as much as I want to slap him I can't tell him what to feel.

"Alright go back up and wait for me in my room"

"Don't take too long I'm bleeding" he whines like a little kid.

"I should honestly start calling you the princess"

He waves me down with his one hand as the other stays glued onto his bleeding head, drama queen. I bet you it's just a scratch. Carefully he walks across the shattered glass that seems to have trailed its way to me and presses for his floor, the elevator doors close and with that my view of my little princess. Now onto the problem at hand.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I watch as he refrains from actually looking at me, is that- is that disappointment I see on him? Although I doubt it's for me but I can't be too sure.

"Are you upset with me?"

His head snaps to my direction "god no- no I just-" he sighs shaking his head "every time I say I'm going to keep you safe it all ends up being bullshit"

"It's not your job to keep me safe, and plus, that's pretty impossible these days anyways"

"It is my job Mia, it is" his eyes burn into mine as he means every word he utters. I'll never get over the fact that someone else actually cares about me, I'm always the one worrying, always the one acting like a bullet proof vest and now here he is, in all his fucked up and yet perfect glory.

"Let's just drop this and talk about-" I look past him pointing at her unconscious body "-her"

"I'll bring her up to my room"

Right, yeah his room.

"For you to talk to her I mean"

I glance up seeing him panicked.

"Unless you want her dead then I'll just take care of her here, now"

"No, take her to your room that's smart. I'll come up when i take care of Max"

"I'll come with you then-"

"No" I say rather too fast "I just- you should take care of her, you know her best after all" I don't look at him, there's no way I can look at him so I just click for the elevator.


I so hate my name right about now.


"Look at me"

I don't, I don't really want to either.


This time I do turn. Mainly because I'm a fool, a fool for pain it seems.

"She wants to find Donte, that's why I've been with her"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Nicholas-"

"I do. I want to and so I'm telling you now that she just wants my help finding him"

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