Go fuck yourself

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"Take a seat hun, I won't hurt you" reluctantly I do in fact take a seat, half gawking and half spiralling in confusion.

"Oh my dear you look like you've seen a ghost"

"That's because I'm staring at one" I say rather winded.

She smiles "Oh no I'm no ghost, I'm quite alive I can assure you"

I trail over her whole body still not understanding a fragment of any of this "yeah, I'm beginning to understand that"

"Do you know who I am?" Her head slightly tilts to the side as she stares at me gently.

I swallow lightly before replying "you're Celiene, Celine Bane"

She laughs suddenly which makes me grasp my gun a little too tight "you marry a man and take his last name only to lose your legacy and become his shadow" she sighs with a chuckle "but yes, I'm Mrs Bane"

I sit still, completely confused.

"I can see you're still a little in shock"

"A little is too small of a word I'd use but sure"

"Has Nicholas told you much about me?"

The confusion that had me choking on air seems to have ran away at her question, if it wasn't for the fact that it's entirely Nicholas's choice in whether or not he wants her alive I would have put every round in that fucked up being in front of me "enough to paint a clear picture"

"I see" her tone saddens, regretful almost "that was a dark time for me, I was lost" I refrain from not only laughing but punching her right there and then. She makes my skin crawl.

"Is that your excuse?"

"You're witty, I like that" she smiles softly, her skin practically glows from the fire burning just beside us "I've changed though"

"No you haven't, those files, the rumours, Nicholas, you haven't changed, you don't GET to change"

"I can see why my son is so fond of you, have you two had any children yet?"

Just as I was about to change my mind and shoot her I watch as her eyes grow glossy out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry for your loss, losing a child is the worst thing to ever exist in a mothers world"

"I'm not about to take pity from a women that wouldn't know the first thing about loving a child, especially when she liked to abuse her own"

She slightly recoils from this "that's fair I suppose"

"How are you alive" I ask the golden questions.

Her lips stretch into a wicked smile "have you ever wanted revenge so bad that you'd do pretty much anything to get it?" She waits for me to answer but then continues "you don't have to answer that, I've done my research on you Miss Evars, I know all about your revenges and I must say that I'm impressed. I hope you can somehow understand then when I tell you that it was the only way I could murder my husband"

I shouldn't be hearing this, I shouldn't be speaking to her.

"I knew that if I wanted a life after killing him that it would've been impossible, I'd be killed for treason, or worse, sold to the highest bidder. But when my father learnt of my thoughts he promised to help me, he swore that he'd help me be happy again and I trusted him, he's my father after all. So one night he slipped me something that got me sick, so sick I thought that maybe he was trying to kill me after all, I remember not being to able move, I remember my lungs feeling like thousands of stones being set right on top of them but then one night, just as Nicholas was trying to look after me he fell asleep, and I followed just after. Only when I woke up I was in a whole different place" she stops for a moment, letting a single tear slip past.

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